She had lived in Springfield, Massachusetts before marriage and died without children on 7 Nov 1786 in the 73rd year of her age.
58 181,607 “In memory of Mrs. Mercy wife of Deacn. Daniel Moody who died Nov 7, 1786 in the 73 year of her age"
"Life is uncertain death is sure,
sin is the wound and Christ the cure"
Chapin claims the following children for Dea. Daniel and Mercy Morgan: “Jonathan. J. in the Rev. War on the Amherst list.
961 In the 1790 Census. Daniel. m. Abigail Nash on 7/2/1789, dau. of David A. b. 6/1/1757 In the Census of 1790 on the S. Hadley list. Joseph. In Census of 1790 on the S. Hadley list. ?Ebenezer.”
418 Also, “Philip was in the Rev. War in a Regiment raised in Berkshire County, Mass.”
He was mentioned in the will of his father, Ebenezer Moody, in 1757 and was an executor thereof in 1758. He moved as a child to South Hadley with his father in 1727-29, but was not listed as a head of family until 1740-1750 after his 1744 marriage to Mercy Morgan. He received his portion of land in South Hadley in the additions of 1740-50. He served as the South Hadley Clerk from 1756 to 1774. In 1766 he was one of 3 appointed commissioners of sewers to drain Pichawamiche meadow. He had been a clothier in South Hadley; he also sold potash and had 120 pounds lent at interest in 1771. He served on one of the South Hadley Committees during the Revolutionary War. He died without children in South Hadley in the 76th year of his age
181on 20 Apr 1792. “Dea. Daniel was a clothier by trade and his account book, which I have had the pleasure of inspecting, shows that the business was important in the new settlement and properously [sic] managed. He was early chosen Deacon of the church in South Hadley or more properly in the South Precinct of Hadley for it was not until 1753, that the town was incorporated as distinct from Hadley. He held the office of town clerk for many years, a large part of the early records of the place, being in his hand writing. He wrote with care and in a style plainly legible, but seems to have been sparing of his autograph presuming, no doubt, that all knew who the town clerk was and as for those who should come after, so long as they had the facts, it was not essential that they should know to whom they were indebted for a knowledge of them....Deacon Moody made his Will, Feb 23 1787, being at that time ‘impaired in health of body, but of perfect mind and memory’....To his sister Mary, Sarah, Editha and to the heirs of his sister Miriam who was then deceased, also to his brother Josiah, equal sums of money. The remainder of his estate, he bequeathed to his nephews, Ebenezer and Daniel; the portion assigned to each, being definitely fixed. The Will was proved in May 1792. Their graves have slabs of red-sand-stone in the burying ground at South Hadley. Of this marriage their [sic] were no children.”
607”Sacred memory of Den. Daniel Moody who died April 20th 1792 in the 76 year of his age" "Death's terror is the mountain faith removes; Believe, and look with triumph on the tomb"