He lived in Granby
58 688“They settled in Granby, Mass, a short distance east of where is now the meeting house in that place, the homestead being occupied by their descendants.”
607 “David Church, son of Josiah, was born in South Hadley, and made the first settlement upon the farm now owned by Monroe Keith, and resided in Granby the larger part of his life. He married Rachel Moody, daughter of John Moody, one of the early settlers. She bore him five children, David, Jonathan, Nadoiah, Benjamin and Rachel.
David married Lucy Scranton. who bore him nine children, namely, Lois, John, Rufus, Allen, Ruel, Augustin, Mary, David and Marilla, all of whom except Ruel and three daughters are living, and three, John, Rufus and Augustin, in Granby.”