Birth1532, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom400,607
Death14 Mar 1576/77, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom607
Burial14 Mar 1576/77, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom80,182,275,541,607
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
MarriageSep 6, 1574, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom30,80,182,275,545,607
Family ID316
MarriageAug 20, 1579, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom80,182
Family ID388
Notes for Edward COULT GENTLEMAN
EDWARD COULT/COULTE of Moulton also, administered the estate of Thomas Moody, 1576, during the minority of Thomas heir, George, his nephew and son of Richard Moody.
Notes for Anne/Agnes (Spouse 1)
"To Anne my wife my messuage wherein I now dwell which I late bought of George Tailor and Thomas Harveye, executors of the last will of Roger Fryette deceased; to hold the same to her in lieu of her dower of all my lands, during her life; remainder to George Modye my son and his heirs for ever. To Anne my wife all my household stuff, upon condition she give my son George, at his age of 21 years, £20, half my bullocks, half my horses, halfe my carts and ploughs with their furniture; all the corn growing on my lands late "Frietts” with the tythe of the said lands which are to be sown with barley, and 40 "combes” of barley to sow the same land with; also 20 "combes of malte” and 20 "combes of rye”. " From the will of her husband dated 2 Feb 1572/3
82 "My wife to have the use of my daughters' legacies until they marry."
82They had 12 children.
Notes for Anne/Agnes (Spouse 1)
=ANNE, mentioned in her husbands will 1572; married secondly at Moulton also 6 Sept. 1574 EDWARD COULT/COULTE of Moulton also, administered the estate of Thomas Moody, 1576 during the minority of George son of Richard Moody.