Birthbef Jan 25, 1602, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom335
ChristenJan 25, 1602, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom90,182,545,607,418
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, England, Relative
Deathaft 20 Feb 1651/5290
MarriageOct 24, 1622, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom88,182,607
Family ID351
Notes for Marye MOODY/MODYE
To Margaret Moodye, Anne Moodye and Marye Moodye, my daughters, to either of them 100 marks at 21 years of age.
208 Mother Margaret probably died in childbirth
90 The children of John and Mary Salmon are mentioned in the will of their uncle, George Moody.
90 REGISTER, vol. 39, p.68
99 "To my brother John Salmon’s eldest son thirty pounds in the eighth year after my decease. Ten pounds to the rest of his children in the ninth year.
Research notes for Marye MOODY/MODYE
Christened 25 Jan 1602/1603, the day of the burial of her mother Margaret
90 or 25 Jun 1602
80Get REGISTER, vol. 39, p.68 for will of George Moody and children of May and John Salmon
Notes for John (Spouse 1)
He was alive on 20 Feb 1651/52, when he was named in the will of his father-in-law, George Moody.