The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
BirthAug 15, 1910, Lone Jack Location, Missabe Mountain Township, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA217,153,611,488
DeathMar 6, 1987, Marshfield, Wood County, Wisconsin, USA69,217,2494 Age: 76
Burialaft Mar 6, 1987, Willard, Clark County, Wisconsin, USA217
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
BirthJun 18, 1921, Greenwood, Clark County, Wisconsin, USA2674
DeathMay 22, 2020, Neillsville, Clark, Wisconsin, United States2674 Age: 98
FlagsPrivate, Relative
MarriageMay 4, 1939, Greenwood, Clark County, Wisconsin, USA339
Family ID644
Notes for Louis L. "Louie" MATKOVICH
He was born on 15 August 1910
69 at the Lone Jack Location of Missabe Mountain Township, Minnesota. . He had severe mitral insufficiency, aortic stenosis and congestive heart failure, renal failure and cardiac arrest. He had coronary bypass surgery and a stroke about six years before he died which left him blind in one eye.
69 He was never in the United States Military. He farmed in the Town of Hendron, Route 1, Willard, Wisconsin 54493.
Notes for Beaulah F. (Spouse 1)
She was 17 years old when she married on 4 May 1939. She was a widow, but still living in the farmhouse in 1990.
69 Her nickname is "Billie”. She was very healthy and still living alone in her own farm home on 18 February 2010. On 19 April 2015 she has dementia and lives in a nursing home in Neillsville.