The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
BirthAug 9, 1866, Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA418,776,778,826,331,761
DeathSep 6, 1935418,761 Age: 69
Burialaft Sep 6, 1935, East Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA761
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
DeathAug 27, 1924761 Age: 61
Burialaft Aug 27, 1924, East Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA761
Notes for Julia Emma MOODY
In 1870 she is 3 years old and lives with her father, sister and brother in Northfield, Massachusetts.
331 She attended the Northfield Mount Hermon Schools, Northfield, Massachusetts in 1886. On 1 April 1930 Julia Murmann is a lodger at the home of Gertrude Thomas at 85 College Street in South Hadley, Massachusetts. She is a 63 year old widow born in Massachusetts working as a practical nurse in a private home.
Notes for Adam (Spouse 1)
From 1887-1890 Adam Murrman was Assistant Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at 114 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. On 15 April 1910 Adam Murrman, a 47 year old Clergyman who was a naturalized citizen in 1876 who had emigrated from Germany in 1866 lived in Shelburne, Massachusetts with his wife, Julia E., 43. They had been married 13 years and had no children.
776 On 1 January 1920 Adam Murrman and his wife Julia live in a house they rented at 554 Main Street, Slatington, Pennsylvania. They have no children.