He worked in the southern California sport fishing and live bait industry from 1975 to 1979 while attending college. He attained an Ocean Operator’s License.
289 From 1984 to 1996 they lived in Westchester, California, then moved to Green Bay, Wisconsin and later that year to Wausau, Wisconsin where they still lived in 2014.
249 2471On 25 December 2013 he has had surgery for bladder cancer.
Dear Friends and Family,
My beloved son, David, passed into the merciful hands of God just before midnight on July 1. He was enveloped with the love of his wife, Jenny and children, Mackenzie and Zachary. It was peaceful for David. He remained quietly aware until his last hours when he closed his eyes. I hoped to be with him one more time but my health made travel to Wisconsin again risky.
Thank you for your prayers and support throughout David’s valiant fight to extend his stay on Earth. Upon entering Hospice for two months he was accepting and never complained. During that time Mackenzie graduated from college and Zachary became engaged. They are beginning their young adult lives filled with promise and hope. His Mission accomplished.
I’m grateful that I was given 61 years with my courageous, strong, always positive son who brought much laughter and immeasurable joy to my life.