The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameObadiah BRUEN
228,362, 2621
BirthDec 25, 1606, Taiwan362
Deathca 1681, Newark, Essex County. New Jersey, USA228,362
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Coat of Arms, Relative
DeathMar 25, 1684
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
Marriageca 1620
Family ID1795
ChildrenMary , 2619 (1634-1670)
Notes for Obadiah BRUEN
He lived in Plymouth in 1640, Gloucester in 1642, Hartford in 1645, New London in 1651, and Newark in 1667. His Coat of Arms is enrolled.