In 1880 he lives with his parents at 12 North Market Street, Petersburg, Virginia.
326 He always lived in Petersburg, Virginia.
291 After medical school at the University of Virginia, and internship for 1 1/2 years at the Haskins Hospital in Wheeling, West Virginia, and two years at the House of Relief in New York, he established his practice in Petersburg.
291 In 1920 he is 47, widowed, a physician in private practice, and lives at 103 Market Street, Petersburg, Virginia. He owns his own home with no mortgage and living with him are four children John C., Julian R., Jr., Louise and Mary M. Also living with them are his office nurse Belle Jo C. Chafin, single, white and age 27, and his housekeeper Eugenia Curtis, 59, single and white.
164 He died at age 55 in Petersburg.