234,236,296,549,549,549,549,549,549,549, 2994
BirthJul 3, 1823, Les Éboulements, MRC Charlevoix, Québec, Canada296,549
DeathAug 23, 1887, Laterrière, Ville de Saguenay, Québec, Canada296 Age: 64
BurialAug 25, 1887, Laterrière, Ville de Saguenay, Québec, Canada296
ChristenJul 4, 1823, La Malbaie, MRC Charlevoix-Est, Québec, Canada296,549 Age: <1
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
1Adèlaide Eulalia DUCHÊNE
234,236,296,549,549,549,549,549,549,549, 2995
BirthAug 26, 1828, Baie-Saint-Paul, MRC Charlevoix, Québec, Canada549
BaptismAug 26, 1828, Baie-Saint-Paul, MRC Charlevoix, Québec, Canada549 Age: <1
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Census, Relative
MarriageSep 9, 1846, La Malbaie, MRC Charlevoix-Est, Québec, Canada296,549
Family ID2072
ChildrenAlfred (Died as Infant), 5150 (1847-1848)
Philippe (Died as Child), 5152 (1852-1853)
Notes for Élizée LAPOINTE
At his baptism his godfather was Pierre Gagnon from L’Isle aux Coudres and his godmother Fèlicité Godneau.
549They had nine children.
296 On the 1871 census of Laterriere, Quebec he was a 50 year old farmer with his wife Adele 44, and children Joseph 11, Auguste 16, Emilee 14, Alise 6, Georgiana 8, and Leonie 4.
236On the 1881 census of St. Fulgence the farms of Élizée LaPointe, his son Philippe La Pointe, and Philippe’s father-in-law Louis McKay were adjacent to one another. Joseph 21, Georgina 18, Alise 16, and Leonide 13 still lived with their parents who are 56 and 54 .
Research notes for Élizée LAPOINTE
He was age 50 and lived with his family in Laterriere in 1871
236. Was he born in 1821?
236 He was a 56 year old farmer and lived with his family in St. Fulgence at time of the 1881 census. Was he born in 1825
Notes for Adèlaide Eulalia (Spouse 1)
At her baptism her last name was spelled Duchene and her godfather was François Harvey and her godmother was Adèlaide Gagnon.
549Her name was Adelaide on her Marriage Certificate. Her marriage was witnessed by Narcisse Harvey and ----- Duchène.
549She was called Eulalie and was 54 years old and living in St. Fulgence with her husband, Elise, 56, and children Joseph, 21, Georgina, 18, Alise, 16, and Leonide, 13 in 1881.
Research notes for Adèlaide Eulalia (Spouse 1)
She was Adele, age 44 and living with her family in Laterriere in 1871. Was she born in 1827.
236 She was age 54 and living with her family in 1881 . Was she born in 1827
234 Check the dates of the censuses. On the 1881 census there is no day and month listed.