The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
BirthMar 10, 1900, Sanborn, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA257,289,761,1399
DeathMay 27, 1971, Superior, Douglas County, Wisconsin, USA243,257,289,761,1399 Age: 71
BurialMay 31, 1971, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA257,761
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
BirthJun 25, 1904, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA257,289,916,761
DeathJan 27, 1995, Duluth, Saint Louis County, Minnesota, USA243,257,289,761 Age: 90
BurialJan 31, 1995, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA257,761
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
Notes for Walfred “Walla” Emmanuel HAGSTROM
On 1 January 1920 Walfred, 19 and single lived with his brother Carl, single and 26, his sister Ellen, 31 and married, with his widowed father August on August’s farm on Swede Pine Road in White River Township of Ashland, Wisconsin.
Notes for Esther (Spouse 1)
On 15 April 1910 she was 5 and lived with her parents in the Town of Eileen.
916 Walfred and Esther were first cousins. She was the church organist of Salem Baptist Church in Ashland, Wisconsin for over 30 years.
257They lived at 619 Ellis Avenue, Ashland, Wisconsin. After Walfred's death she lived at 76 North 21st Street East, Superior, Wisconsin 54880.