The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
BirthOct 26, 1891, Prentice, Price County, Wisconsin, USA257,911,1380
DeathSep 14, 1977, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA243,1380 Age: 85
BurialSep 16, 1977, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA257
FlagsRelative, Sources in Family Search
BirthSep 7, 1881, Mariastad, Skaraborg län, (Västra Götaland), Sverige 58° 45’ 00” N 013° 56’ 00” E289,911,1392
DeathOct 1, 1971, Superior, Douglas County, Wisconsin, USA243,243,289,1392 Age: 90
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
MarriageJun 15, 1918, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA289
Family ID2232
Notes for Ruth Signe FRYKLUND
On 1 January 1920 she lived in Sanborn, Wisconsin and was a teacher in the public school. Both of her parents were born in Sweden.
911 She lived in Sanborn, Wisconsin in 1928.
Notes for John (Spouse 1)
He emigrated to the United States at age 11 in April, 1892 with his mother. On 1 January 1920 John was a 38 year old farmer on Swede Pine Road in White River Township, Ashland County, Wisconsin. Henry H. Hagstrom, Warner B. Hagstrom, August Hagstrom, John Hagstrom and Frank Shefchik lived on farms in that sequence on Swede Pine Road. John was born in Sweden and became a naturalized citizen in 1906. His family consisted only of his wife Ruth S., age 28.
911He still lived on the farm in Sanborn, Wisconsin on 21 April 1933.
243He later lived at 2611 Kelley Avenue, San Pablo, California 94806. He died in Douglas County, Wisconsin at age 90.