248,425,567, 3505
BirthApr 17, 1694, Saint-Laurent, MRC de Île d'Orléans, Québec, Canada
Birthbef Oct 27, 1680, Saint-Jean, MRC de Île-d'Orléans, Québec, Canada232,425,567
ChristenOct 27, 1680, Saint-Famille, MRC de Île-d'Orléans, Québec, Canada294,567
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Quebec, Relative
MarriageNov 23, 1716, Saint-Laurent, MRC de Île d'Orléans, Québec, Canada248,554,567
Family ID2111
ChildrenJoachim (Not Proved), 3543 (1717-1742)
Joseph (Not Proved), 5041 (1728-<1728)
Notes for Joachim (Spouse 1)
It is noted that all were married on the island, except Marguerite and Joachim. It is believed that she followed her brother Joachim to Boucherville, after the death of their parents, when he and Louise Roberge moved there with their young family. By 1730, they had six boys and three girls, all baptized at Boucherville, except the two eldest who were baptized at Sainte-Jean. This indicates the family moved from Sainte-Jean to Boucherville in about 1720.
Research notes for Joachim (Spouse 1)
Are Joseph and Joachim the same person? St. Hilaire does not list Joachim and gives Joseph the same baptismal dates. He lists Joachim’s baptism as 1691. Then there is an infant stillborn on the same date of 27 Oct 1680..