You have put together an impressive site. I don't know how far you want to extend each line but I want to mention my ancestry. I am descended from Jean-Baptiste LaPointe born 20 Aug 1738. He and Catherine Goyau had 10 children. One reference that shows this family is:
"Genealogy of the French Families of the Detroit River Region" by The Rev Fr Christian Denissen. Jean is on page 688 in Vol 1 of 2 Vols.
I'm sure that there are other references. I do not have any first-hand documentation from this time frame but can verify later generations. There probably are other good references available on the internet. With each of these families having many children, putting them all on one site would be a large task.
Please write if I can be of further help.
Al Wopshall 2/14/2008
Here is a website containing my ancestry: is restricted in what I can show. I have one of my French lines at the
bottom but it does not contain Audet or LaPointe. It's at this link:
Outline Descendant Tree: Descendants of Pierre ALEXANDRE
My mother's ancestry is at this link but it just lists names and not a tree
so is not very helpful:
Report: Kinship of Lucy Catherine KREUTZPEINTNER
The site was set up for my German ancestry and I added some of my French
ancestry. I see that I need to go further in order to share my info. My
line came through Detroit to Monroe and Erie Michigan and my family
continued to Toledo Ohio. My grandmother was a Drouillard. Her grandmother
was a LaPointe.
I agree that this is a great hobby. I will look at ways to improve access
to my information and will let you know if I end up with a link that you can
add to your site.
Thanks for writing back,
Al 2/19/2008