Check marriage information.
In the 1850 census he is not living with his widowed mother and seven other siblings in Northfield.
343 Instead Luther H. is 14 and living in Greenfield with his widowed aunt Fanny H. Moody, 46, and her children Frances E., 22, Calvin H., 12, and Cyrus M. 10.
1838 On 1 June 1860 Luther Moody, a 24 year old clerk born in Massachusetts lived in Clinton, Worcestor County Massachusetts with his wife Sarah, 23 and daughter Maybell, 1.
1837 In 1870 he was 34, a furniture dealer with a personal property value of $3000. He lived in Clinton, Worcester County, Massachusetts with Sarah, age 33, Mabel G.?, 11 year old female, and Harriet?, year old female.
Check 1880 and 1890 censuses of Clinton, Worcester.