On 1 June 1850 Cyrus M., 10, lived with his widowed mother Fanny, and his siblings Frances E., 22, Calvin H., 12 and cousin Luther H. Moody, 14, in Greenfield, Massachusetts.
1838 1860 he is a 21 year old male clerk born in New York, living in a boarding house in Greenfield, Massachusetts run by his mother, the widow Fanny Holton Moody . Also living with her are her daughter Francis A. Moody, a 32 year old female born in Massachusetts, and Fanny’s cousin Warren L. Moody, a 22 year old harness maker born in Massachusetts.
323 On 1 June 1870 Cyrus M. Moody, 30, born in New York was a book dealer in Greenfield, Massachusetts. He lived with his widowed mother, Fanny H. Moody, 66, sister Fanny E., 42, and 3 boarders.
1840On 1 June 1880 C. Mason Moody is a 40 year old book and stationery merchant, born in Massachusetts, who lived in Greenfield, Massachusetts with his wife Marianne, 37, and children Sarah F., 3 and Henry L. 1. They had a 15 year old servant named Kate McAuliffe.
Check marriage date. after 1860 census.