On the 1901 census she was age 6, could speak, read and write French, but not English. She had been in school for 10 months and lived in St. Fulgence with her parents and two siblings.
438 On the 1911 census she was 16 years of age and lived with her father François, 42, his wife Mélia, 47, five siblings and François’ father-in-law, Louis Machy, 85.
553 On 23 September 1912, Joseph Langevin, son of Alfred Langevin and Delphine Bouchard of the parish Saint-Francis Xavier of Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Quebec, married in Saint-Fulgence Marie Olivia Simard, daughter of François Bouchard and Amelia Mackay. Johnny Bouchard represented the father, François, who was present, and Johnny also signed as a witness. Also signing were O Senia Simard, Joseph Langevin and Geo. H. Gagnon, priest.
549 She lived at 291 Paradis, Chicoutimi, Quebec.
On 23 September 1912, in Saint-Fulgence, Quebec, Joseph Langevin, a major son of Alfred Langevin and Delphine Bouchard, from the parish of Saint-François Xavier of Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Quebec, married Marie Olivia Simard, minor daughter of François Simard, a day laborer, and Amélia Mackay. Signed by Johnny Bouchard, Joseph Langevin O Senia Simard and Geo. H. Gagnon, priest.