His godfather was Solomon Simard and godmother was Sylvie _____Bouchard.
549 His mother had died in 1830, two years before his father who died in 1832 when he was age 20, 9 years before he married. No children are mentioned even though they lived their entire lives in Baie-St-Paul.
558 As for Georges McKay who married Adele Simard there does not appear to be any children. Another genealogist , whose father originally was from Baie-St.-Paul, said: "If you find any children please let me know because I've never found any". So much for a DNA test.
1723 “On twenty five January eighteen hundred and seventy, I, undersigned priest, has buried in the cemetery of this parish the body of George McKay and who, while alive, was a farmer from this parish; died on the twenty second of the present month, being fifty eight years old. Were present: Jean Bouchard, nephew of the deceased and Casimir Cote, farmer; who have declared not being able to sign, reading done.” J. Plamondou, Priest.
With whom did he live from 1832 to 1841? Did he take care of his orphaned siblings? Where?