BirthApr 20, 1794, Massachusetts, USA401,1359
DeathFeb 28, 1866401,761 Age: 71
Burialaft Feb 28, 1866, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA401,761
FlagsHadley, Massachusetts, Relative
BaptismJun 8, 1794401 Age: <1
Birthca 1798, Massachusetts, USA1359,761
Burialaft Nov 25, 1857, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA401,761
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Hadley, Massachusetts, Relative
MarriageSep 13, 1826, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA401
Family ID8292
Notes for Esther E. EDWARDS
She lived in Northampton at the time of their marriage.
401 She died at age 72.
401,761 She was the daughter of Nathaniel Edwards.
Notes for Leander (Spouse 1)
He lived in Northampton at the time of their marriage in 1826
401 to Esther E. Edwards.
761 On 1 June 1850 Leander was a 52 year old farmer with real estate valued at $6800 who lived in Northampton with Ester [sic], 54, and Mary Bateman, 21, born in Ireland. No children lived with them.
1359He died at age 60
401and is buried in the same Lot as Marcus T. Moody, b. 1804, who is probably his brother.
Research notes for Leander (Spouse 1)
Is he brother to Marcus T.?