NameAbigail SMITH
401, 11739
DeathJun 8, 1855401,401 Age: 50
Burialaft Jun 8, 1855, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA401
FlagsHadley, Massachusetts, Relative, Stray
DeathSep 13, 1860401,761 Age: 56
Burialaft Sep 13, 1860, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA401,761
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Hadley, Massachusetts, Relative, Stray
MarriageOct 9, 1827, Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA401
Family ID8294
Notes for Marcus T. (Spouse 1)
He lived in Springfield at the time of their marriage.
401He is buried in the same Lot as Leander Moody, born 1797, who is probably his brother.
Research notes for Marcus T. (Spouse 1)
Is he brother to Leander?