Birthca 1722, Westfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, USA607,472
DeathNov 22, 1797, Belchertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA472,772
Baptism1690, Westfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, USA819
Birth1716, Hatfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA607,472,58,772
DeathMay 31, 1800, Belchertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA607,472,58
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
ChildrenDaniel , 12583 (1744-1817)
Abiah , 12587 (1748-1802)
Notes for Abigail SACKET
She was baptized at age 9 months and 22 days.
819She was from Westfield when they married.
Research notes for Abigail SACKET
Sackett Sacker
Was she born 1690 or 1722?
Notes for Daniel (Spouse 1)
He moved from Hatfield to Cold Spring in 1733. He and Abigail lived in Belchertown.
607 He died at age 84. In his will dated 21 March 1817, Daniel Smith of Belchertown left most of his property to [his granddaughter Electa Moody’s husband] Heman Moody