He was from Kensington, New Hampshire.
688 “Jeremy Webster. S. of Jonathan and Dorothy , b. Kensington, N. H., O. 8, 1811. Prepared Phillips Acad., Andover. Andover T. S., 1840-41; Hartford T. S., 1841-43; ordained Ludlow, S. 6, 1843; p. there, 1843-59; a. p. 1st Ch. Palmer, 1860-66; p. Jewett City, Conn., 1866-76; 3rd Cong. Ch. Middletown, Conn., 1876-82; w. c. there, 1882-89; Springfield, 1889-92. Author Letters of Transcontinental Travel. D. Springfield, F. 25, 1892.
Married S. 4, 1843, Irene M., da. of Spencer Moody, So. Hadley, who d. Aug. 28, 1844; N. 4, 1845, Ann R., da. of Samuel Mowry, Norwich, Conn. 3 s., 4 da.
Notes for Ann R. (Spouse 2)