On the 1850 census of Granby George Moody, a 37 year old farmer born in Massachusetts who has real estate valued at $3000 lived in Granby with his wife, Marilla, 37, son Sidney E., 6, and son George H., five months of age, and Samuel Smith, 13, probably his wife’s nephew. The next farm was that of Levi Moody.
767On the 1860 census George Moody is 46, was born in Massachusetts, and has real estate valued at $3500 and personal estate valued at $975. He lives with his wife Marilla, 46 and born in Massachusetts, and their children Sidney, a 16 year old farm laborer and a 10 year old son Tbeabert? The farm next door is that of Levi Moody
766He and his son Herbert farmed 75 acres on road 42 in Granby in 1886-7.