Ranald was Alexander William Mackay’s witness when he married Angelique, and he later was a widower when he became Angelique’s second husband. He, like Alexander William Mackay, was a discharged soldier of the 78th Fraser Highlanders, and like all British Sergeants who decided to remain in Canada, he was allotted 200 acres of land when the 78th Highlander disbanded in 1763. He lived in the town of Montmagny, Montmagny County, Quebec, adjacent to Berthier sur-Mer prior to their marriage. They married on 5 November 1782 in the Parish of Notre-Dame de Quebec, Quebec.
1729 He petitioned for a land grant in Douglastown. In 1784 the family re-settled in Bonaventure/Douglastown, Bonaventure County in the Gaspe pensinsula of Quebec. However many of the first settlers did not like their lots and some of them settled in New Carlisle town lots, instead. He was a Captain of Militia [to guard early residents of Douglastown/Gaspe].
1723“On November five of seventeen hundred and eighty two, after the publication of one marriage band listed in the name of our Mother parish, the parties having obtained dispensations of two published bands on the second day of this present month, from Monsignor Bishop of Quebec, who having signed in advance and stamped with his seal, and counter-signed by her father and mother who had remained. In our hands today, between Rene McDonald, widower of Marguerite Bouchard, from this parish on one side, and Angelique Desmolier, widow of Alexander McKaye, also from this parish on the other side, there having been found no delay to the said wedding, I, undersigned vicar priest of Quebec, has given them my consent, and have married them according to the prescribed rite by our Holy Mother the Roman Catholic Church, and this, in presence of John Buchanan, friend of the groom, and of Joseph Ponsaint and of his wife Marie-Magdeleine Robitaille, and Marie-Magdeleine Cormier wife of Jean Doucet, whom all three have signed this day and a few have signed with our reading done. Signed By: John Buchanan, M. Doucet, M.M. Robitaille-Ponsaint, Rene McDonell, Angelique Demolier
Fr. Labaiye [LaBaie], priest”
1850Note: Rene McDonell and Angelique Demoliers signed the register in their own cursive handwriting and were therefore educated.
All the MacKay children, including Ranald McDonell/MacDonald's only child, a daughter by the name of Marguerite MacDonald , from his first marriage to Marguerite Bouchard , [27] were raised by Angelique Desmouliers and Ranald McDonell/MacDonald.
“Rand. McDonell, capt., originally from Glengarry County, Scotland died age 70 years old in [New] Carlisle on 29 August 1809. Present:
Simon Jean Henry Gregoire Allain Placide Bujol H. F. FitzSimmons, MC.”