The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameStephen “Steve” SCHNELL
2593, 19503
BirthDec 25, 1886, Schonfeld, Russia2559,2593
BurialRichardton, Stark County, North Dakota, USA2593
BirthSep 27, 1890, Schonfeld, Russia2559,2593
DeathDec 27, 1981, Dickinson, Stark County, North Dakota, USA2593 Age: 91
MarriageJul 7, 1908, Richardton, Stark County, North Dakota, USA2593
Family ID13832
ChildrenAlec , 19505 (1910-1928)
Notes for Stephen “Steve” SCHNELL
1908 Steven and Anna located in the Cedar Canyon area, Meade County, SD, after their marriage.
25931910 Steven and Anna purchase the Richardton ranch