The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameSamuel MOODY Sr. 54,58,30,117,184,185,188,355,458,603,607,401,688,418,362,56,1346,1974,2499, 193
Birthca 1634, Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA90,607,401,688,418,362,56,1974,2499
DeathSep 22, 1689, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA30,54,58,54,117,458,603,607,401,418,362,1346,2499
Burialaft Sep 22, 1689, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA30,607,688
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Hadley, Massachusetts, Hartford, Connecticut, Relative, Roxbury, Massachusetts
FatherDeacon John MOODY , 194 (<1593-<1655)
MotherSarah COX , 198 (<1598-1671)
Birth1640, Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA458,607,418,362
DeathSep 29, 1717, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA30,54,58,54,117,603,607,606,362,1346
Burialaft Sep 29, 1717, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA607,54,58,401
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Hadley, Massachusetts, Hartford, Connecticut, Relative
FatherJohn DEMING SR. , 251 (1615-1705)
MotherHonor TREAT , 1472 (<1616-1705)
Marriageca 1659, Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, USA188,362,607,418,56
Family ID146
ChildrenSarah , 208 (1659-1689)
 John , 210 (1661-1732)
 Hannah , 211 (1663-1713)
 Mary , 212 (ca1668-1725)
 Samuel , 215 (1670-1744)
 Ebenezer , 152 (1675-1757)
Birthca 1635335
Deathbef 1658362
FlagsHadley, Massachusetts, Hartford, Connecticut, Relative
Family ID843
Notes for Samuel MOODY Sr.
“1. MOODY, Samuel, supposed to have been the only child of Dea. John Moody of Hartford and grandson of George Moody of Moulton, Suffolk Co., Eng.” 58

“SAMUEL, Hartford, s. of John of the same, rem. to Hadley, a. 1660, by w. Sarah, prob. d. of first John Deming, had Sarah, b. a. 1660; John, 24 July 1661; Hannah, 5 Mar. 1663; Mary; Samuel, 28 Nov. 1670; and Ebenezer, 23 Oct. 1675; d. 1689. His wid. Sarah d. 1714. Goodwin suppos. he had first w. Hannah; but if so, she must have d. young. Of the s. John had nine ch. and d. at Hartford, 1732; Samuel d. at Hadley, 1745, leav. six ch.; and Ebenezer d. at South Hadley, 11 Nov. 1757, leav. eight ch.”603

He was mentioned in the will of his father dated 1655 as under 24. He was admitted a Freeman of Massachusetts on 23 May 1666. He probably was not born in England and accompanied his parents to America, but most likely he was born in Roxbury or Hartford 322 as he is not listed as baptized at St. James, Bury St. Edmunds, with his four older deceased siblings, the last of whom died 19 July 1631 in England. His father, John, was in New England before 5 Nov 1633 when he was admitted a Freeman and John and Sarah were listed without child in 1633 in Rev. John Eliot’s record of the Roxbury church. 603 “John Moody, came to Roxbury in 1633 with wife Sarah. Freeman Nov. 5, 1635. An original donor of the Free Scoole [sic]. Removed to Hartford, Conn.”2173 Samuel was born between 1633 in Roxbury or 1635 at Hartford, and he is the only child mentioned in his father's will of 1655. "The will of John Moody of Hartford, dated 23 July 1655. Wife Sarah Moody sole executrix and to have all household goods and half the residue of estate; the other half to son Samuel Moody at age of 24 years." The inventory taken on 6 Dec 1655 totaled £300-14-6. The Will was proved in December 1655. If born in Roxbury, Samuel moved with his parents in 1635-1639, following Reverend Thomas Hooker to establish the new plantation at Hartford, Connecticut. After the death of Reverend Hooker in 1647, Reverend Samuel Stone took his place in Hartford. Within a few years after Hooker’s death the Hartford church was riddled with theological controversies of a violent, bitter and divisive nature; relative peace being re-established only when 59 theologically conservative Hartford and Wethersfield residents at odds with Reverend Stone decided in 1659 to leave Connecticut with the Rev. John Russell 418and purchase land for a new settlement in Massachusetts. He, his wife and his widowed mother moved to Hadley, Massachusetts in 1659, as one of the first settlers of that town and became a citizen of standing and good estate. Samuel Moody signed the agreement of 18 April 1659, at Goodman Ward’s house in Hartford, as one of the original "withdrawers” from Hartford, and moved to Hadley. He was one of the 28 "engagers” in the new plantation at the first town meeting of 8 October 1660. On 22 May 1661 the plantation Norwottuck was named Hadley. He was given a "houselot” of 8 acres 355 which is shown on the Hadley map of 1663, and lived on the same houselot in 1681 and 1687. He was chosen one of the first four "tithing man” of Hadley in March 1678. A tithing man sat in the meeting house gallery and kept order among young people during religious services . In 1672 he signed the petition to enlarge Hadley. In January 1681/2 his assessment was 20 shillings, zero pennies . He was one of five Hadley selectman in 1672 and 1688 and was still serving that term as selectman for Hadley on 15 May 1689, just prior to his death on 22 September 1689. His Will was administered on 25 Jun 1690. His gravestone in South Hadley says he was born in 1636. 401 They had three sons and three daughters.
“Samuel Moody lived on the west side of the broad street in Hadley. Was a great friend of Parson Russell. As Mrs. Walker said in her book, ‘In death they were not parted long’. Samuel in 1700, some say 1689. He was buried in the old cemetery in Hadley north of the common. He could have no stone on account of the Indians.”688
“Married: Sarah Deming, daughter of John of Wethersfield, Conn. in 1658 and one year later the family and S’s mother moved with members of their church to Hadley, Mass. about 50 miles up the Connecticut River from Hartford. On the morning of 6/12/1676 they were attacked by a large group of Indians. The fight occurred near their house. Under the conduct of General Goff and General Whalley, both of whom had seen service in Cromwell’s Army in England, the attackers were repulsed. Samuel was sometimes called Goodman which denoted his church membership. S. and his wife were buried in a cemetery with other early settlers but their graves are unknown. He left no will but on inventory his estate was 658 pounds=, 14 shillings-, 6d. Sarah, born 1639, died 9/29/1717.”418
Research notes for Samuel MOODY Sr.
This Samuel Moody b.1634 is the Most Recent Common Ancestor of David Leonard Moody b. 1937, David B. Moody, b. 1940, David Wright Moody b. ca 1944, and Scott Michael Moody b. ca 1949. All four are Haplotype G-P15 and therefore Samuel b.1634 musr also be G-P15.
<>; Numbers 2, 39, 41, and 112. Is Samuels GGFather Edmund also G-P15?

Are the two Samuels the same person? No as first Samuel buried at St. James, Bury St. Edmunds88 Second Samuel was possibly born in England and accompanied his parents to America. Or was he born in New England as he is not listed as baptized at St. James, Bury St. Edmunds, with his four older deceased siblings, the last of whom died 19 July 1631 in England 88 and father and mother were in New England by 5 Nov 1633. Redstone states he was born in New England 90
His father moved to Hartford between 1635 and February 1639, so where was he born? #400 says 1636 in Hartford.
He was probably born in 1634 and married Sarah____ 1659 .
He was born in Hartford ca 1636 “John Moody, Freeman, Nov. 5, 1635, with prefix of respect, according to Savage. “John, Roxbury, came in 1633, says the church records with wife Sarah, but no children”. 603
Savage says “Goodwin suppos. he had first w. Hannah; but if so, she must have d. young.”603 Who was first wife Hannah?116 117,603
Torrey says 1633, which would have to be Roxbury. 362
Notes for Sarah (Spouse 1)
She was Samuel's second wife and administered her husbands estate in 1690. 30 Hartford was a Dutch trading post in 1633. Hartford was explored as Newtown in 1634, and the first few families moved there in 1635. 356 It was renamed Hartford in 1637.
Notes for Samuel’s Wife Hannah (Spouse 2)
She was Samuel's first wife. 116 117
Research notes for Samuel’s Wife Hannah (Spouse 2)
Corbin says in Hatfield Vital Records that Hannah b. 5 Mar 1663 in Hadley and Samuel, b. 28 Nov 1670 in Hadley was her children.401 Whose child was Mary and when was she born? Where and when were Samuel and Hannah married? What is Hannah’s maiden name?
Last Modified Feb 13, 2018Created Feb 24, 2025 by John D Moody
Created February 23, 2025

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