FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Check own records, Relative, Vital Records-State
BaptismJun 25, 1854, Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, USA266 Age: 4
BirthApr 1850, Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, United States420
FlagsCensus, Relative, Vital Records-State
Marriageca 1874, Virginia, USA335,420
Family ID206
Notes for William Derry WRIGHT
By 1854 he had moved to Augusta, Georgia, with his parents who on 21 May 1854 were confirmed as members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Augusta. He moved to Marietta, Georgia, with his family from 1860, when he was 10 years old, to no later than 1867, when the family returned to Augusta. His father, J. S. Wright, in a 21 Mar 1863 letter from Havana, Cuba, calls him "Derry” and indicates he and Lou are the two youngest children, the next oldest is Sallie, and the fourth oldest is Miss Hal. On 5 April 1868 he was confirmed a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Augusta, Georgia by The Right Reverend John W. Beckwith, the brother of Dr. T. Stanly Beckwith.
266,347 In 1870 he is a single 20 year old clerk in a cotton house
260, and lives with his father, John S. Wright, 51, mother Mary Isabelle Eve Wright, 45, and siblings Harriet Emma , 24, Sarah Laura, 22, and Louisa Eve, 15, in Ward 1, Augusta. He is a clerk in a cotton house, possibly the same business at which his father was a book keeper.
260 He does not live with his family in Augusta in 1880.
120 On 7 June 1880 he is a 30 year old Ny Signal Officer living with his wife Harriett, 31, at 370 Chapel Street, New Haven, Connecticut. He and his parents were born in Georgia and she and her parents were born in Virginia.
419 On 5 June 1900 he is a 50 year old accountant renting with his wife Harriet at 515 Stevenson Street, San Francisco, California. They have been married 26 years and have had no children.
420 Neither he or his wife Harriet are on the 1920 census.
Research notes for William Derry WRIGHT
NARA has no military records.
1. Was he in the Confederate Army? Did he die in Berlin, Alabama?
6362. 1910 Alameda Co., CA-Oakland Ward 1
John H. Chapman-58-or 68-married twice/this marriage 1yr-NH-US-US-cabinet
maker/carpenter shop
Ida-wife-?4-married twice/this marriage 1yr-mother of 0 children-NH-VT-NH
Harriet Wright-58-widowed-mother of 0 children-VA-VA-MD-own income
I believe this may be her Death Index listing:
Harriet D. Wright-spouses initials WD-died Oct 1922 Alameda Co., CA-age
75-certificate # 41285
I also saw this but the age is off:
William Wright-no spouses initials-died 16 Jul 1909 Alameda Co., CA-age
50-certificate # 16669
3. is a William D. Wright in 1880, 1900 and 1910 Cobb Co., GA
but he is not married to a Hattie. He is married to Almeda G. and
she is about 10 years older than he. They had 3 children, William L.,
Parilla S. and Charles G. .
William and Almeda state on the 1900 census that they have been married for
29yrs. In 1910 William is now married to Rachel and they have been
married for 2yrs.
On 1880 and 1910 census William is a Farmer and on the 1900 he is a Physician.
His son William is also a Physician on the 1900 census and he is married to
Isabelle for 1yr.
In 1910 Charles is living next door to William and Rachel and he is married to
Minnie and they have 6 children .
On the WWI Draft Registration Charlie Gilmer Wright was b. 8 Oct 1876 and was
living in Sumter Co., GA.
Not sure if these are the people you seek but he was definitely the only William
D. Wright I came across of that age range.
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Follow ups:
Re: William Derry Wright b. 18 January 1850 David Moody 11/25/06
? On 17 May 1910 he is 60, a widower and lives alone in a rented house at Upper Holly Pond and Cullman Road in Berlin, Cullman County, Alabama. He lives on his own income and has been in the Confederate Army.
Notes for Harriett D (Spouse 1)
On 7 June 1880 she is 31, keeping house and married to William Wright. They live in New Haven, Connecticut, and she and her parents were all born in Virginia.
419 On 5 June 1900 she is 50 years old, living in San Francisco, California and had never had a child. Her mother was born in England.
420 She dies between 1900 and 1910.