He was born about 1819 and was from the middle part of Georgia, but his family was from the West Indies . Both his parents were born in Georgia.
120 For many years he had close business relations in Cuba, but never removed his family from Georgia, their home being generally in Augusta, Milledgeville , Marietta , and Atlanta.
148 On 8 February 1842, J. S. Wright advertised his solo practice “Attorney at Law, Office in the Courthouse, Milledgeville, Geo.”
537 That John S. Wright was the son of Pryor Wright is further demonstrated by the Tuesday, 3 May 1842 issue of the Southern Recorder which notes “Georgia, Hancock County: Sheriff Sales--On the first Tuesday in July next, will be sold at the courthouse in the town of Sparta, Hancock County, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One tract of land lately occupied by Prior Wright, formerly owned by Samuel H. Harris, levied on as the property of John S. Wright, to satisfy executions in fi fas in favor of R. J. Nichols and G. L. Deming L. S. Stewart, Sheriff.
537 544On 21 June 1842, J. L. Lataste and J. L. Wright, Attorneys at Law, Irwinton, Georgia, advertise they “Will practice in the counties of Baldwin and Wilkinson of the Ocmulgee Circuit, and in Twiggs, Pulaski, Irwin, Telfair and Laurens of the Southern Circuit.”
537 On 25 January 1843 John S. Wright and Mary Isabelle Eve received a marriage license in Baldwin County.
535 He married Mary Isabelle Eve on 26 Jan 1843 in Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia . "Married, in this city, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Mann, John S. Wright, Esq. to Miss Mary Isabelle, eldest daughter of Mrs. Jane Eve”
517 John S. and Mary Isabelle were living in Milledgeville on 27 May 1845. By 1854 they had moved to Augusta as on 21 May 1854, he, his wife and his sister-in-law, Miss Emma Henrietta Eve, were confirmed as members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 605 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Georgia, by the Right Reverend Bishop Elliott.
347,266 In 1854 John S. Wright purchased for $30.00 a 16 grave plot in Magnolia Cemetery in Augusta. In 1859 he was a partner in the firm of Baker and Wright, Wholesale Grocers at 267-269 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. They resided over the store at 269 Broad Street, as did his mother-in-law, Mrs. Jane M. Eve.
240 They moved to Marietta, Georgia in 1859-60 as on 13 June 1860 when their son John Edgar died, John S. Wright was listed as being of Marietta.
266 In the 1860 census he is a 41 year old banker and lives in Marietta, Georgia with his wife Mary Isabelle 34, their 6 children and her widowed mother Jane Martin Eve, a 58 year old teacher, and his spinster sister-in-law, Emma Henrietta Eve, 24. Mary Jane is 15, Harriet E. is 13, Sarah L. 12, William D. 10, Louisa E. 5., John Edgar, 1.
261 During the Civil War they lived in Marietta, "a pleasant and growing village containing about 1500 inhabitants in 1853” probably on a plantation at the foot of Little Kennesaw Mountain . In June 1862 he is a Notary Public in Marietta, Georgia.
265 They were probably displaced during General Sherman’s march to the sea in December 1864. In a 21 Mar 1863 letter to his daughter Sally he indicates that he had been in Havana, Cuba, for 2 months , has had a bout of fever, and plans to return to the family in May,1864. In his 4 May 1864 letter to his daughter Sally he indicates he is in the Confederate service and boarding on a plantation in Quincy, Florida . He is establishing a fishing business to provide food to the Confederate Army. In 1867 he, his wife and children Sarah, Harriet and William Derry again become members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Augusta.
347 In the 1870 census he is a 51 year old bookkeeper in a cotton house, born in Georgia, with no real estate but a personal estate value of $1000. He lives in Ward 1, Augusta with his wife Mary 46, children Harriet E. 24, Sarah L. 22, William D. 20, who is a clerk in a cotton house, and Louise E. 15, at school. Also living with them is Jane Eve, 67, and her son John C., 40 and “without occupation”.
260 In 1872 he is a bookkeeper with Claghorn, Herring & Co. and from 1872-1879 lives at 89 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Georgia. From 1880-2 he resides at 1024 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Georgia . From 1879-82 he is in business as Wright & Crane cotton factors, office at 7 Warren Block, 192 8th, Augusta.
121 At the time of the 1 Jun 1880
120 census he is a 61 year old merchant and lived with his wife Mary Isabelle , his wife’s spinster sister Emma Henrietta Eve , his single daughter Louisa , his daughter Sarah Laura Beckwith and his granddaughter May, , at 1024 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Georgia. They have two black female servants. Mahala Bettis is 30, widowed, cannot read or write and was born in South Carolina. Laura Bennister is 23, single, can read and write and was born in Georgia.
120 Between 1882 and 1886 Wright & Crane and John Stephen Wright disappear from the Augusta City Directories.
121 "We regret to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Jno. S. Wright, a well known and substantial cotton merchant of this city" was in the 19 Oct 1882 issue of the Augusta Chronicle. "Yesterday morning the illness of Mr. Jno. S. Wright, noted in the Chronicle, terminated in his death. Mr. Wright was one of the most popular and progressive merchants of Augusta. He was among the first men to open a store on Warren Block, after which he became engaged in the grocery business on Broad. Subsequently be returned to the Cotton Row, and was engaged with Messrs. Josiah Sibley & Sons, and then with Messrs. Claghorn, Herring & Co. For the past six years be has been conducting the cotton business with Mr. Geo. W. Crane, and was successfully continuing that branch up to the time of his death. He was sixty-three years old, and was universally esteemed by his friends and associates. He will be buried to-day, at three o'clock from St. Paul's Church, with Masonic exercises." was from the same paper of 20 Oct 1882.
In 1893 his widow Mrs. Mary J. Wright, widow of J. S. arrived in Savannah to live with her daughter Sarah Laura and granddaughter, Mary.
66 John Steele Wright purchased 16 graves in Magnolia Cemetery for $30.00 in 1854. The ownership was later assumed by Cortez Clark , and then later still by Mrs. Robert Beckworth .
Book C, Page 32; Buried 10-20-1882; 63 yrs.old; Male; Occupation: Cotton Factor; Married; Died
Brain Congestion; Physician: Eve; Died 10-19-1882; Lived @ Jones St.-4th Ward of Augusta; Buried on Wright Section - 1st Extension .
from Jerry W. Murphy, Records Clerk Magnolia Cemetery 702-3rd St. Augusta, Ga. 30901
821-1746 Fax 821-1753
Was he born in Savannah on 24 April 1819?
267,444 His father Prior Wright was a member of the 4th Regiment of Booth's Georgia Militia at Fort Hawkins, Macon, Georgia in November 1814, and then Pryor is next found in Milledgeville in the 1820 census. Where was his mother born and where did his parents marry?
Does the Masonic Lodge have records?
I did not find his will searching Richmond County Wills 1881-1888 on microfilm at Washington Memorial Library.
Daughter Harriet was born in Alabama in 1846. Where?
Daughter Sarah was born in Georgia in 1848. Were they back in Milledgeville, Irwinton, or Augusta?
Son William Derry was born in Georgia in 1850. Where?
Did they have a son named Charles. Charles Wright is buried with them in Magnolia Cemetery.
Check Irwinton in Wilkinson County.
check 1850 federal census Richmond County, GA 86 dist, p. 324
1870 federal census Richmond County, GA Ward 1, Augusta p. 30
John S. Wright, a 23 year old farmer with real estate valued at $800, born in Georgia, lives with his wife, Mary, age 21 and born in Georgia, and their daughter Mary, age 1, born in Alabama US Census 25 Dec? 1850 Township of Seven?, Butler County, Alabama M432 R2 P 248A
Where and with whom did he study law? Was a lawyer licensed in that era?
Who is Mrs. Robert Beckworth who assumed ownership of the 16 graves in Magnolia Cemetery?
She was born on 14 August 1825 in Jefferson County, Georgia. She married John Steel Wright on 26 Jan 1843 in Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia . "Married, in this city, on Thursday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Mann, John S. Wright, Esq. to Miss Mary Isabelle, eldest daughter of Mrs. Jane Eve”
517 On 21 May 1854, she, John S. Wright and her sister, Miss Emma Henrietta Eve were confirmed at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Augusta, Georgia by the Right Reverend Bishop Elliott.
347On 25 June 1854, Mary Isabelle and her 2nd, 3rd, and 4th children were baptized together at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Augusta, Georgia.
266In 1859 she lives with her husband and her mother at 269 Broad, Augusta, Georgia.
240In 1860 she, John S. Wright and Miss Emma Henrietta Wright removed from St. Paul's Episcopal Church.
347 In the 1860 census she lived in Marietta, Georgia with her husband, her widowed mother Jane M. Eve, and her spinster sister, Emma Henrietta Eve. Also living with them were six children; Mary Jane, Harriet, Sarah, William, Louisa, and John Edgar.
261 During the Civil War they lived in Marietta, "a pleasant and growing village containing about 1500 inhabitants in 1853” probably on a plantation at the foot of Little Kennesaw Mountain . John Wright was away from home as a Confederate supply runner in both the 1863 and the 1864 letters he sent to their daughter Sarah in Marietta. They were probably displaced during General Sherman’s march to the sea in December 1864. In 1867 she, her husband and their children Sarah and Harriet again become members of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Augusta.
347In 1870 they are living in Augusta, with her mother Jane M. Eve and her brother John Eve.
260 In 1872 John Wright is a bookkeeper with Claghorn, Herring & Co. and from 1872-1879 they live at 89 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Georgia. From 1880-2 they reside at 1024 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Georgia. From 1879-82 Wright & Crane cotton factors, have their office at 7 Warren Block, 192 8th Street, Augusta. At the time of the 1 Jun 1860 census she is 55 years old and lived with her husband , her sister Emma Henrietta Eve , their single daughter Louisa , their daughter Sarah Laura Beckwith and their granddaughter May, , at 1024 Reynolds Street, Augusta, GA They have two black female servants. Mahala Bettes is 30, widowed or divorced, cannot read or write and was born in South Carolina. Laura Bennister is 28, single, can read and write and was born in Georgia. John Steel Wright died in 1882. In 1893 Mrs. Mary J. Wright, widow of J. S., arrives in Savannah to live with her daughter Sarah Laura Beckwith and granddaughter, Mary Isabel Beckwith. In 1893 they live together at the home of E. B. Whitehurst, 94 York . In 1894 they live at the home of Mrs. S. L. Beckwith at 84 East State . She is not listed in the 1895, 1896, or 1897 Savannah City Directories. She reappears in 1898-1899 at 703 Barnard Street living with her daughter, Mrs. S. L. Beckwith and her granddaughter, Miss Mary I. Beckwith. In 1899 her daughter Sarah and granddaughter Mary leave for Havana, Cuba and on 24 Dec 1900, Mary Wright boards at the home of her daughter Harriet Root and nephew, Sidney Hall, at 108 W. Hall, Savannah. In 1910 she is 84 and lives with Harriet Root, son Maryon Root, and Julia T. Root at 509 Barnard Street, Savannah.
283She died of bronchitis at age 85 in Savannah. Her physician was Matthew F. Dunn M.D.
Who is "Uncle John" in Savannah ca 1864-1889 who owned a newspaper. Is it her brother John Eve? Could be any of her mother's sister's husbands, or a relative of sister Harriet who married William Root and lived in Savannah.