He was in the Revolutionary War on the Amherst list.
607 418In the Amherst Valuation List of 1776 he had 1 Poll, 0 Horses, 0 Oxen, 1 Cow, 0 Hogs, 2 Sheep, 1:16 Personal Estate, 4 Houses and Lands, 8:0 Real Estate, 9:16 Total.
759 “He settled in Amherst, Mass., his house being near that of his brother Jonathan. From Amherst, he removed about the year 1800 with all his family, then living to Masonville, Delaware Co. New York where he engaged in Agricultural pursuits also in the tanning business...All of their children were born in Amherst, Mass. but the same carelessness, which has rendered the early records of that town so defective has omitted most of the names, here subjoined. The list has been obtained, after much difficulty.”
607 He and his son Moses were among the first settlers of Masonville about 1795. He was not listed on the voters list of 1802 for Amherst.
759 On the 1800 Census for Franklin, Delaware County, New York there is a “Perus Moody” family consisting of one man and one woman over age 45, and 2 men 16-25.
Check Masonville. Check Granville, MA 1790 Census.