She was the widow of Noadiah Lewis of Farmington, Connecticut, and the daughter of Deacon Ichabod
He was Elizabeth's second husband. He lived in the third precinct of Hadley or Amherst, Massachusetts, at the time his daughter Lucy was married in 1772.
607 Perez served in the Revolution, in Capt. Reuben Dickinson’s company in 1778.
2405On 15 March 1790, Perez Moody of Amherst sold forty acres in Amherst, his wife Lucy also signing.
2406 On 18 April 1797, he and Lucy were of South Hadley when they sold about fourteen acres there.
2407 Not found in the 1790 census or in the 1798 Massachusetts Direct Tax in Amherst,
2408 in 1800 “Perus” Moody was enumerated in Franklin, Delaware Co., with two males 16–25 and himself and a female 45 or over.
2409 No Delaware Co. deeds have been found for Perez, nor has a probate for him or Moses been found. In 1820 a Moses Moody was in Masonville, perhaps son of Perez, but Moses was the only male 45 or over.