The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
BirthAug 9, 1780, Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA58,401,607,688,418,2056
DeathMay 12, 1808, Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA58,607,688,418,2206 Age: 27
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
BirthJun 24, 1778, Stafford, Windham County, Connecticut, USA2213
DeathMar 4, 1813, Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA2206 Age: 34
Marriageaft Nov 7, 1801, Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA607,2056
Family ID272
Notes for Sibbel MOODY
Sibbel Moody and Aaron Johnson posted their intentions to marry on 7 November 1801 in Granby, Massachusetts.
2056 She was Aaron’s first wife and died at age 28.