The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameREVEREND Chileab SMITH 401,607,418,744,146,58,923, 397
BirthMay 21, 1708, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA607,688,744,146,58
DeathAug 19, 1800, Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA607,688,744,146,963,58 Age: 92
Burialaft Aug 19, 1800, Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA607
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
FatherPreserved SMITH , 982 (1677-1713)
MotherMary SMITH , 987 (1681-1763)
BirthJan 13, 1709, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA54,54,58,607,418,146,761
DeathDec 23, 1789, Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA607,688,744,146,963,58,761 Age: 80
Burialaft Dec 23, 1789, Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, USA607,761
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
FatherCAPTAIN Ebenezer MOODY , 152 (1675-1757)
MotherEditha DAY (OR KELLOGG) , 153 (ca1683-1757)
Marriage28 Jan 1731/2, Hadley, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA401,607,688,418,744,146,58
Family ID142
ChildrenMary , 6102 (1732-1787)
 Ebenezer , 6103 (1734-1824)
 Moses , 6104 (1736-ca1830)
 Sarah , 5988 (1738-?)
 Jemima , 6106 (1740-1828)
 Chileab , 6108 (1742-1843)
 Enos (Died as Child), 6113 (1744-1746)
 Miriam (Died as Infant), 6110 (1746-1746)
 Miriam , 6111 (1747-1827)
 Enos , 6109 (1749-1836)
 Chileab’s Son (Stillborn), 6114 (ca1751-ca1751)
 Eunice , 6115 (1757-1823)
Deathaft 1792335
MarriageJan 5, 1792688,744,146,923,58
Family ID728
No Children
Notes for REVEREND Chileab SMITH
He was from South Hadley and Ashfield, Massachusetts. 58 He was ordained a Baptist minister at the age of eighty years by his sons. “He settled in the South Precinct of Hadley himself being one of the proprietors in the First division of land on the south side of Mt. Holyoke. A prominent rise of ground about one mile and a half north of the Meeting House in South Hadley, bears the name ‘Chileab’s Hill’ to this day. This hill constituted a part of his homestead. He was at this time a Corporal in the Militia and an influential man in the Colony. Owing to disaffection in the church, which had resulted in the dismission of Rev. Grindal Rowson the year previous, Chileab Smith with his family removed about 1742-5 and was the third settler in a place then called Huntstown, which place was incorporated in 1764 by the name of Ashfield, Mass. To protect the inhabitants from attacks by the Indians upon the outbreak of fresh hostilities or abt. 1757, the house of Mr. Smith was enclosed by a barrier of logs, which arose on all sides around 12 feet high and was bullet proof. A tower, also, was added from which guns could be discharged with more certain effect upon the enemy. Such was the condition for about one year, when a company of 9 soldiers were sent to aid it. Though they were now in the wilderness, the duties of religion were not forgotten by them. He and his wife were persons of eminent piety and as numbers in the new settlement began to increase, they opened their house for public worship and as early as July 1761, a Church of nine members was organized after the Baptist persuasion. Mr. Smith, though formally a member of the Congregational Church in the South Precinct of Hadley, having now a preference for this denomination. Thus was formed from the three present Townships, Ashfield, Buckland and Conway, the first Baptist Church in the vicinity. Of this church, Mr. Smith became the first pastor, as he had been in the years previous to this time it’s first founder and teacher. He was ordained when he was now a full eighty years of age although this outward rite could seemingly add nothing of advantage in the work to which he had previously devoted himself so assiduously. Chileab Smith, after the decease of his wife is said to have md. Rebecca Butter of Charlemont, but I have not the date. Rev. Chileab Smith died 19 Aug 1800, aged 92. Sarah Moody and husband had children, seven of whom are recorded on the Hadley records; the rest were born after their removal to Ashfield. Of the descendants of Sarah Moody and Rev. Chileab Smith, twelve have become ministers, five of the females were married to ministers, two of these with their husbands, became missionaries, one to China and one to India.”607”He was the third male settler in Ashfield. He was at the age of 80 years, by his sons ordained as a Baptist minister.”688,744,963 “m. Chileab Smith on 1/28/1732 who was very active in town affairs. He became an ordained minister at the age of 81. After a few years they moved to Ashfield, Mass. Mary Lyons, founder of Mount Holyoke College descended from this family.”418 “rem. from South Hadley to Huntstown, now Ashfield, 1751, where he was one of the early settlers. It is said the cause of his removal was some trouble in the Congregational church in South Hadley, and that in consequence of this he became a separatist . For 72 years he exhorted and preached in that denomination, but was not ordained minister until he was 80 years old, when the rite was performed by his sons, Ebenezer and Enos...he d. Aug. 19, 1800, a. 92.”146
Notes for Sarah (Spouse 1)
She was mentioned in the will of her father, Ebenezer Moody, dated 1757. 30 She died at age 87, 744,58 79.607
“They were the grandparents of Mary Lyon. Chileab was ordained a Baptist minister after he was eighty. When Sarah was married her father gave her the land and built a house where the Talbots live.”688 “She d. on her birth day, Dec. 23, 1789, a. 80.”146 “She died Dec. 23, 1789, ae. 87.”58
Research notes for Sarah (Spouse 1)
Did she die at 80 or 89?
Notes for Rebecca (Spouse 2)
She was a widow from Zoar, Franklin County, Massachusetts.923
Last Modified Dec 24, 2014Created Feb 24, 2025 by John D Moody
Created February 23, 2025

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