"to Elizabeth Moodye and Frauncys Kilbourne four of my best silver spoons equally between them.” from the will of her father George Moody dated 1607.
208 Thomas and Frances came to New England in 1635, settling in Wethersfield, Connecticut. [Hale, House 652-56]. Wethersfield was established as Watertown in 1634, and renamed Wethersfield in 1637. Two of her grandchildren, sisters Abigail and Sarah Law, married brothers, Jonathan and John Selleck, who were both founders of Stamford, Connecticut.
"The residue of my goods to Thomas Kilborne my son-in-law towards paying my legacies, etc. and I constitute him my executor, bequeathing him 20 marks. " From the will of George Moody
208 of Wood Ditton, county Cambridge, yeoman.
93 This couple came to
30 New England, embarking from England on the "Increase" on 15 April 1635,
275 settling in Wethersfield, Connecticut [Hale, House 652-56]
56 Wethersfield was established as Watertown in 1634, and renamed Wethersfield in 1637. He was one of the first settlers of Wethersfield, and died before 1639 when the distribution of lands was made in the name of his widow, Frances. He may have been one of the Wethersfield men killed in the massacre of April 1637, the event which occasioned the Pequot War.