Burial29 Jan 1624/1625, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom88,182
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
ChildrenSamuel , 526 (<1603-?)
Burial12 Jan 1599/1600, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom90,182
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
Notes for Christopher COX
He came from a West Country family.
90The Will of Christopher Cox dated 7 April 1624. "I X. Cox...being...in health of bodie and minde and willing...to be prepared to leave this sinfull world when the Lord seeth best to call me and beinge of years 70 years ould att Barnabas daie next 1624 And havinge receiued extraordinary blessings from the Lord aboue any of my fathers Children I here doe desire to make knowne with earnest humble thanksgiving to my mercifull father in Jesus Christ retorninge to the holy speritt for that measure of illuminacion vouchsafed unto me and all those which the Lord hath given unto me And having by the Lordes great and exceedinge loue granted unto me Two yokefellowes of speciall vnderstanding for the good of their soules & for their bodies The first beinge an heire to 3 M’ And seeing the Lord in mercie in soe manie kindes have granted soe much that I may take serious Accoumpte of them & never to forgett the Lordes benefitts upon my sonnes and daughters.” etc., I ordain my wife Marie my sole and whole executrix. Proved 11 February 1624/5 by Mary Cox, widow of the deceased.
Notes for Marie, Wife Of Christopher (Spouse 1)
She was the second wife of Christopher Cox and a widow when she married Milles Borowes on 21 March 1627/8.
Notes for Christopher’s Wife (Spouse 2)
She was the first wife of Christopher Cox. According to the will of Christopher Cox, she was a women of considerable fortune, being heir to 3 M .