NameEmma, Wife Of John C. CHENERY
101, 678
Deathca 1559, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom101
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
Deathca 1550, Kennett, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom101
Burialca 1550, Kennett, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom101
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
Notes for Emma, Wife Of John C. CHENERY
She died between the date of her will, 12 Nov. 1558 and the date the will was proven, 8 June 1560. One of the witnesses to her will was Thomas Moody, parson of Moulton and brother of Richard Moody of Moulton
101Emma Chenery of Moulton, Suffolk, 1558, PCC 38 Mellershe
"In the name of god amen the year of our Lord god a thousand five hundred fifty and eight the xii day of November I Emma Chynerey of Moulton within the County of Suffolk [bequeath to] Elizabeth Perkins my daughter; Willm Chynerey my son; Richard Chynerey my son; fyne Hewards my daughter,s daughter; Audre Hewarde; Richard Hewarde; Phillipp; fyen heywarde; Emma heiwarde; Katherin Gylbard my daughter; fyne heywarde; Elazabethe Parkins; Emma Parkins; John Chynerey; the residue to be devided equally amongest my iii sons Richard Cheverey John Cheverey and Willm
Cheverey, which my three sons I do ordain and make my executors."
Witnesses: Thomas Mode parson of Moulton, Willm Oldefelde, George Oldefielde with divers others.
Proven: 28 June 1560
Notes for John C. (Spouse 1)
John Chenery of Kennett, Cambridgeshire, 1550, PCC 23 Coode
"In the name of god Amen The xxv daye of October in the yere of our Lorde god A thousande fyve hundreth fourtie and nyin I John Chenerye of Kennett in ye Countie of Cambridge unto Emme Chenery my wyfe All my house landes in the Townes of Moulton Gaysley Kentford Nedham Dalham Silverly and Snayelwell within the Counties of Suff and Cambridgeshire for the term of her lyfe naturall And after the deceas of the said Em I give and bequeathe all the said landes unto John Chenery my sonne unto Richard Chenerye my sonne all my howse londe within the Towne of Cokfeld
in the Countie of Suff unto William Chenerye my sonne all my Copylandes in akford in the Countie of Suff also my Tenement in Borow Maryon Heyward my doughter Elizabet Parkynne my doughter Elizabeth [other wills show that this should be Katharine) Gylbert my doughter Sym Heywarde at the daye of her mariage Richard my godsonne Marion Parkyne my goddoughter at the age of xiiii yeres Em Parkyne at xiiii yeres every child of John Heyward that ys Philipp John Elsabeth and Em when they come to the age of xii yeres Bosse Ward at the day of her mariage I do make my Executors and Attorneys Em my wyfe Richard my sonne John and William my sonnes"
Witnesses Henry Tyllott, Marmeduke Belaby and Thomas Pkyne.
Signed: John Chanery
101Proven: 21 Oct 1550
Died between the date of his will, 25 Oct. 1549, and the date the will was proved, 21 Oct. 1550. When he acquired his father’s lands in Kennett is not clear, but probably by Chancery Court suit of 1544-7.