The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameJohn B. CHENERY 101,113, 675
Death1575, Kennett, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom101
BurialKennett, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom101
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
FatherJohn C. CHENERY , 676 (ca1499-ca1550)
MotherEmma, Wife Of John C. CHENERY , 678 (-ca1559)
BurialJun 28, 1619, Fordham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom101
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
FatherStephen C. NORWICH , 692 (ca1500-?)
Marriageca1550-1555 ca 1560101,113
Family ID501
ChildrenMary A. , 696 (ca1555->1616)
 Margaret , 473 (ca1560-1602)
 Elizabeth , 697 (ca1562->1616)
 Johanne , 700 (ca1564-1639)
 John , 720 (1567->1626)
Notes for John B. CHENERY
He lived in Kennett. His will of 25 Sept. 1575 was proved on 2 Nov. 1575.
John Chenery of Kennett, Cambridgeshire, 1575, PCC 40 Pyckering
"In the name of god amen the xxvth daye of September in the yeare of our Lord god 1575 I John Chenerie of Kennett in the Countie of Cambridge thelder yomann to bevuried in the churcheyarde of Kennette nere unto my ffather poore inhabitauntes of Kennette aforesaide v sthe poore of Kentford the poor of Moultoun Elizabeth my Wife all my coppiehoulde and custommarie landes in Kennett called hundwell dureinge her maturall life John Chenerie my Sonne all my Landes in Moulto Gaysleve Dalham Kentforde or elles where Elizabeth my Wife one indenture of a Lease of the mannour of Kennett which I nowe dwell in all my Corne at Moultoun Kennette ende and Kentforde John Chenerie my Sonne when he shall accomplishe thaige of xxi yeares Marye Chenerie my Dawghter upon condicoun that she shall not concente in marriage with anye man excepte the good will and assente of Elizabeth my wife Margarette my Dawghter at the daye of her mariadge or thaige of twentie yeares Elizabeth my Dawghter Johanne my Dawghter Bringinge upp of John my Sonne I commytt to my kynsman and nephewe John Chenerie untill the saide John shall accomplishe his saide age of xxi yeares yf yt fortune the said John Chenerie my Nepheue to Departe this worlde before John my Sonne shall accomplisshe his saide aige Then I commyte and assigne the order of the saide John
unto my Brother in Lawe Richard Norwiche my Brother in lawe Thomas Gylberte shall have profittes of all my Landes inSnaylewell Mr John Peter esquire Mr Bell my sister Gilberte Phillip Chenerie George Chenerie Richarde Chenerie homas Chenerie Roberte Leache Richard Peeke my Servaunte John Ballard To Phillipp ffabyan Andrewe ffowler Elizabeth Sparrowe everye one of my Servauntes as well maydes as men John Aves my executrix whome I ordaigne and make Elizabeth my wife I desire the righte worshipfull My Ryvette and Mr John Cottonne to be Supervisoures" Witnesses: Stephen Noris, Wiliam Dayncs, Richarde Drurie, Thomas Gilberte and John Chenerie
Proven: 2 Nov 1575 by Elizabeth the Relict 101
In this 1575 will, John Chenery, the father of Margaret Moody, placed his son John in the care of his nephew John Chenery. In case this nephew should predecease his son, however, he named "Brother in Lawe Richard Norwiche" as alternative guardian. Since the names of the husbands of the elder John Chenery's sisters were known, it seems likely that this Richard Norwich was brother to John's wife Elizabeth. A search of Norwich wills in the area confirmed this relationship.
Notes for Elizabeth B. (Spouse 1)
She was the second wife of William Hinson and left a will as Elizabeth Hindson, widow of Fordham, Cambridgeshire, dated 8 Aug, 1616 and proved on 27 March 1626.
Elizabeth Hinson of Fordham, Cambridgeshire, 1616, Archdeaconry of Sudbury 443 Pearle
"In the name of god Amen, the Eight Daye of Augast in the yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne lord James the ffourteenth, and of Scottland the ffiftith, I Elizabeth Hindson of ffordham in the Countie of Cambridge wydowe buried in the parishe Churche of ffordham nighe unto the place where my late husband Hinson is buried Marie Chenerie my dawghter all suche legacies gyven unto her by her father Chenerie his will Elizabeth Payne my dawghter Joane Cheesewrite my Dawghter one
Coppie hould messuage beinge holden by Coppie of Corte Rowle of ye mannor of ffeltons John Chenerie my sonne Grissell ffayrecliffe my Dawghter Anne Hart my Dawghter Elizabeth Prate my granndchilde the said John Chenerie my sonne my Executor William Hart my sonne in Lawe Supervisor I have delyvered surrender of all my Coppieholde landes and tenementes holden in the mannor of ffeltons into the handes of us Erasmus Warren and Mathew Shipp the marke of
Elizabeth Hinson."
Witnesses: William Hart, Erasmus Warren, ye marke of Mathew Shippe, the marke of Richard Carter and the marke of Goodfrey Booper
Proven: 27 March 1626, John Chenery renounced executorship; on 3 April 1626 executed
by Joane Cheesewrite, daughter of the deceased. 101
Last Modified Sep 22, 2006Created Feb 24, 2025 by John D Moody
Created February 23, 2025

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