The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameStephen C. NORWICH 101,113, 692
Birthca 1500-09113
BurialJan 23, 1583, Ashley, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom113
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
FatherRichard D. NORWICH , 1100 (1470-1540)
MotherRichard D.’s Wife Agnes NORWICH , 1103 (->1545)
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
Family ID513
ChildrenElizabeth B. , 684 (-1619)
 Richard , 1099 (-1591)
 Henry , 1122 (->1591)
 John , 1123 (->1591)
 Joanne , 1128 (->1591)
 Margarette , 1132 (->1591)
Notes for Stephen C. NORWICH
He was from Ashley, Cambridgeshire. 101
Stephen Norwich of Ashley, 1583[/4]. In the name of god amen The xvii daie of Januarie in the yere of oure Lord god one Thousand fyve hundred fowerskore and thre Stephan Norighe of Ashelie in the Countie of Cambridge and dioces of Norwiche did make and ordaine this his Last will and Testamente nuncupative by Speakinge these or the like words to Agnes my wiffe my howse called S[]tyvils with all the howses barnes Stables or the yards gardens pastures and seadings with all Comodities and profects thereunto belonginge Duringe her naturall Liffe and after her deceae to John my sonne and to his heires for ever my Leasse of the mannor of Ashelie and Sylverlie the one halffe to Agnes my wiffe and to herrye my sonne and to their heires and thother halffe to John my sonne and to his heires and assignes The mannor howse with the homestalles and fyrwood excepted whiche I will that John my sonne his executors and assignes shall have to beare all the Charges of Courte and Leesse from tyme to tyme Duringe the terme of all the yeres of the said Leasse And also one pece of Lande conteyninge by estimation fower Acres adioyninge to the pasonage Closse of Ashelie aforesaid excepted whiche I will that John Anthonye Clerke or his assignes shall have and enioye Duringe the terme of all the yeres specyfied in the said Leasse The said John Anthonye or his assignes yeldinge and payinge therefore yerelie to my Executors tenne shillings of Lawfull monye And also one Barne called the Churche barne excepted which I will that Agnes my wie and Henry my sonne shall have Duringe the said Leasse to Richard my sonne one Tenemente beinge Coppie and to his heires forever nowe in the tenure and occupation of Henry Gatwaie the Surrender thereof is delivered into the hands of John Almer and John Ashewell two of the Lords Tenants to the use aforesaid one other Tenemente beinge Coppie nowe in the tenure and occupation of Willm Boshok to Joanne my daughter and to her heires for ever the Surrender thereof or Delivered into the Handes of John Almer and John Ashewell two of the Lords Tenants to the use aforesaid to Henrye my sonne the Ten[emen]te beinge Coppie Wherin henowe Dwellethe and to his heires for ever. TheSurrender thereof is delivered into the hands of John Almer and John Ashewell two of the Lords Tenants to the use aforesaide to Richarde my sonne threskore pounds of Lawfull monye to my thre daughters Elizabethe Joanne and Margarette to everie one of them tenne pounds of Lawfull monye to Richard my sonne A fetherbed furnished the Residewe of all my movable goodes and Cattalles not bequethed I gyve thone halffe of them to Agnes my wiffe and to Henrye my sonne And thother halffe to John my sonne whome I make my Executors to paie my Legacies and tosee this my Last will and Testament fulfilles All which words or the Like in effecte wer spoken by the abovenamed Stephan Norighe in the presence and hearinge of John Anthonye Clerke John Norighe Henry Norighe and Agnes Norighe the Daie and yere abovewritten
Probatum fuit xiiii Die mensis ffebruarij Anno dno mill[ess]imo quingen[tess]imo
octogesimo tertio Executoribus Henr et Johis Noriche

Notes for Stephen C.’s Wife Agnes (Spouse 1)
Her will was dated 18 Jun 1591 and proved on 9 Oct 1591. 113
Agnes Norwich of Ashley, 1591. In the name of god amen the xviith daie of June Ao Dni 1591 in the xxxiii yeare of the Reigne ofoure sovereigne Ladye Elizabeth I Annes Noridge of Ashley in the Countie of Cambridge Widdowe doe ordeyne & make this my last will & Testament to the poore of the parishe of Ashley aforesaide xx s unto Elizabeth Hinson my daughter three silver spoones unto Margarett Dearslye my daughter my best Coverlett unto John Noridge Henrie Noridge and Jone ffitche my children the Residewe of my householde stuffe & moveable goodes within my howses to be equally devided amongest them unto Margarett ffitche v l in money to be peyde unto her within one yeare nexte after my departure to Annes ffytche a mylche Bullocke to Annes Noridge my goddaughter a milche Bullocke unto Jone my daughter nyne acres of arrable Land which is in my owne occupyinge duringe the terme of the Lease of the Manner of Ashley unto John Noridge & Henry Noridge my Sonnes, the residewe of my parte in the said ferme that is devided latelie in the Tenure & occupyinge of Richarde Noridge my Sonne duringe the Terme of the saide lease, The Residue unto John Noridge & Henry Noridge my Sonnes whom I doe Make my Executors .. In witnes whereof I have sette my hand & seale the daie & yeare above written. The markeof Annes Noridge, wytnesses John Anthony, by me Chaplys Norton
Probatum fuit Archi[diaci]natus Sudburie Norwicen[sis] Dioc nono die mensis
Octobris Ao dni 1591 .. Johanni Noridge Executor altera vero Exec viz Henricus113

Norridge aute ovus executoris huioi Testi in assumpsit mortem obyt.
Last Modified Feb 27, 2018Created Feb 24, 2025 by John D Moody
Created February 23, 2025

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