NameRichard D.’s Wife Agnes NORWICH
113, 1103
Deathaft 1545
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
BurialWestley Waterless, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
ChildrenRichard , 1104 (ca1490-1521)
Henry , 1107 (ca1500-1538)
Notes for Richard D.’s Wife Agnes NORWICH
She may have been Richard's second wife.
113In the will of Richard Norwich of Westley Waterless, the references to the property that his wife Agnes had brought with her indicate that she was probably a second wife and not the mother of his children. She may be the Agnes Norwich of West Wratting, whose will was dated 4 Aug 1545. In that will, Agnes named no Norwich legatees, although she mentioned her sister Alice Cowper and several other Cowpers.
113 Agnes Norwich of West Wratting, 1545.
In the Name of god Amen The iiiith daye of August in the yer of our lord god 1545 I Agnes Norwyche of Westwrattyng within the dioces of Elye to the hyghe Alter of Westwrattyng ii s iiii d to the Churche of Westwrattyng towardes the reparacons of the same vi s viii d to the poore ffolkes of Weston Wher Charite is oste requisyte xx d to Alice Cowper my Syster my best gowne to John Cowper A payer of Sheetys and A yealow blanckett to Thomas Cowper A payer of Sheetys and iii s iiii d in money beyng in his handes to Anne Cowper the wyffe of Thomas Cowper A Red Kyrtyll to John Drapers wyffe my sangwyn kyrtyll to Robert Cowper A sheete and A platter to Katheryn Baytam myn olde Petycotte to Margaret Reavell A Payer of Sheetys to eyche of Thomas Cowpers Chidren xx d beyng in his handes to eiche of John Drapers Childern xii d The Resydwe of my godes shalbe solde my Willm Mordon and Willm Baytam of the same Towne whome I ordeyn and make myn
Executors And the goodes beyng solde to be distributed amongest poore ffolkes and hyghe wayes of the same Towne I will that Willm Bowtell and Robert Knocke of the same tone be ryvey and helpers to the same sale of my goodes And I will that eyche of them fower shall have xx d for their payns takyng
Witnesses: Thomas Johnson Vycar, Willm Powtell, Robert Knocke, others
Proved: no date given
Notes for Richard D. (Spouse 1)
He was from Westley Waterless
113 Richard Norwich of Westley Waterless, 1540.
In the name of god Amen The iiii daye of September in the yere of our Lord god m v c and
xl I Richard Norwiche of Westle Waterley in the dioces of Elye my bodye to be buryed in the Churche yerd of Westle aforesaide unto the Churche of Westley iii of my best hyves unto Sir Robert Adam parsonne ther xx d unto the saide parsonne of Westley a hyve of beeys at his Eleccon unto Willm Norwiche my sonne my messuage and xvi Acres of ffree lond lying and beyng in Westley upon suche condicon that the sayde Willm shall paye unto Stephyn Norwiche my sonne iii l vi s viii d unto Stephyn Norwich my gowne my Masyer A dowblett of clothe and A payer of newe hosen .. Wher as I have Surrendrid my Copye lond on Westley in to the handes of Martyn ffawkes Ten[a]nte of the Lorde of Westlee to the use of Willm Norwiche and of his heyrs upon condityon that the said Willm shall paye unto Richard Norwich xl s and unto Jone Norwiche x s sterling to Agnes my wyfe syx mylche beastes at her choyse three horses at hir Eleccon ii Slawghter hoggys and ii storys ii gallons of honye xl Sheepe An olde Carte with the tyre Collars and harneys for them All hostillyment As beddyng pewter brasse linen and all the perteyneth to howseholde whiche was her owne and browght to me vi cobes Wheate iiii Combes Rye x Combes barlye & x Combes
bolymoung shee to paye for the thresshyng And to have all the stuffer perteynyng to the sayde grayne beforenamyd I will that ther be payde xxvi s viii d ByWillm my sonne unto a goddowghter of myn wyfes dwellyng in Fultone unto Agnes my wyfe a ffeatherbewd and a bolster a Red Mantyll ii busshelles of wardens and a combe of apples all whiche upon such condytion That the saide Agnes shall Release all her Tythe and demawnde of dower unto the saide Willm to Agnes my wyfe half my haye in my howse I will that Willm my sonne have ii hyeves and Agnes my wyfe oone hyve and
Stephyn my sonne oone hyve And s to be devyded emongiste them As farre as they will extend Willm Norwiche my sonne I doo constitute and ordeyn myne executor To whome I doo will and bequeathe all the Resydwe of my goodes
Witnesses: John Alyngton gentylman, Syr Robert Adams parson of Westlee, Martyn ffawkes yeman,
Stephyn Norwiche
Proved: 20 Nov 1540