He emigrated to the United States at age 19
137 on the S.S. Uranium
137, leaving Rotterdam, Netherlands
137on 30 May 1912
124 137and arriving in New York City
13714 or 15 Jun 1912
130 with $26 in his pocket.
137 Anton Yerman, age 18, son of Johann Yerman of Dragatus accompanied him.
137 He was educated in Slovenia as he could read and write.
137He arrived in Virginia, Minnesota on 17 June 1912, and became a mucker at the Norman iron mine, boarding with his brothers Anton and Frank at the Joseph and Mary Matkovich residence, Commodore Location, Virginia. On 3 September 1914 he was a miner living at 120 Poplar Street, Virginia.
130. He was 5 feet, 8 inches tall, 165 pounds with light brown hair and grey eyes. 5 Jun 1917 he is an Austrian citizen, living at 120 3rd Street South with his brother Frank, and working as a miner for Corrigan McKinley in Virginia, Minnesota. He is single, of medium build and height with grey eyes and brown hair.
340 He moved to Willard, Wisconsin in 1917 with his brother Frank to live together and farm near brother Martin Matkovich on land between Dechman’s and Crotzer’s.
124 He returned to Virginia, Minnesota after the date of his marriage in Willard, 16 August 1919, and from 19 November 1920 to 1922 he was a miner living at 120 1/2 3rd Street South, Virginia. In 1924 he was a clerk for his brother John Matkovich’s store and they lived with John and Johanna Matkovich at 314 3rd Street South, Virginia. He became a naturalized United States citizen on 18 April 1925 at District Court, St. Louis County, Minnesota
135, at which time he listed his address as 120 3rd Street South, Virginia. He was 5 feet 8 inches tall, with light brown hair and grey eyes.
135About 1925 they moved to West Allis, Wisconsin. Their only child, Arnold, was born 8 March 1929 in West Allis, Wisconsin. He worked as a foundry worker for Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company for 25 years. They moved back to Willard, Wisconsin in 1949 and farmed for several years before moving to Greenwood, Wisconsin, where their son Arnold lived.
124 His last address was 8306 West Dakota Street, West Allis, Wisconsin 53219.
27 West Allis and Greenwood are adjacent southwest suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.