The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameRichard’s Wife Mary NORWICH
113, 1105
Burial1521, Brinkeley, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
ChildrenJoan , 1106 (<1521-?)
Notes for Richard’s Wife Mary NORWICH
She was married to Richard at time of his death, so she was alive in 1521.
Notes for Richard (Spouse 1)
He was of Brinkley, Cambridgeshire at time of his death.
113Richard Norwich of Brinkley, 1521.
In the name of god Amen the iiide day of the moneth of Aprile in the yere of our lorde god
mcccccxxi I Richard Norwiche of Brynkeley in the diocese of Ely my body to be buried in the Cherche of Brynkeley aforesaid to the hygh Awter of the same Cherche xx d a quarter service for a preest to sing for me in the Cherche of Brinkelye .. to the Cherche of Brinkeley for the Grounde brekyng concerning my buriall vi s vii d to my iii brethern eche of them xx s to Johan my Sister vi s vii d to Thomas ffoxe ii s iiii d to Johan my doughter xx s The Residue to Mary my wif I
make the saide Mary my wif Richard Norwiche my ffather and Robert Cleydon myn
Executors Witnesses: homas Roger, Nicholas Tayler, others.
Proved: 23 April 1521