The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameHenry’s Wife Isabel NORWICH 113, 1108
Birthca 1500113
Burial1538, Sylverly, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
FatherRichard D. NORWICH , 1100 (1470-1540)
MotherRichard D.’s Wife Agnes NORWICH , 1103 (->1545)
Marriageca 1520113
Family ID814
ChildrenHenry , 1109 (>1520->1537)
 John , 1110 (>1520->1537)
 Joan , 1111 (>1520->1537)
 Elizabeth , 1112 (>1520->1537)
 Alice , 1113 (>1520->1537)
Notes for Henry (Spouse 1)
In his will dated 1 July 1537 and proved 26 Sep 1538 he called himself of the town of Ashley in the parish of Silverley, Cambridgeshire 113
Henry Norwich of Ashley, 1538
In dei no[min]e Amen the yere of our ord m ccccc xxxvii the first daye of the moneth of
Julye I Herry Norwich of the towne of Asheley and in the parish of Sylverley and in the
countye of Cambryge and in the dioces of Norwich my body to be buried in the churche yerd of Sylverley to the hyeghe aulter of Sylverley iii s iiii d to the hyeghe aulter of Asheley iii s iiii d to Herry my sonne vi l xiii s iiii d and a brasse pott to John my sonne vi l xiii s iiii d to be delyvered them at the age of xxi yeres if they mary not before that age if they mary before the age of xxi yeres then I wyll it shalbe delyveryd them at the daye of their maryage if Henry and John my sonnes decesse bothe within age I wyll both theyr partes shalbe equally devyded betwex my iii
dowghters Jone my dowghter v markes sterlyng to Elizabeth my dowghter v markes sterlyng Alice my dowghter v markes sterlyng to be delyvered them at a laufull age All other my goodes onbequethyd I geve and bequethe Isbell my wyef whom I make my executrix Robte Raye and Stephen Noridge Supervisors Witnesses:
Jamys Robartes, Stevyn Norwich, Edmund Clarke, others
Proved: 26 Sept 1538113
Last Modified Aug 8, 2013Created Feb 24, 2025 by John D Moody
Created February 23, 2025

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