The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameWilliam NORWICH 113, 1114
Birthca 1500113
Death1548, Westley Waterless, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom113
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
FatherRichard D. NORWICH , 1100 (1470-1540)
MotherRichard D.’s Wife Agnes NORWICH , 1103 (->1545)
Family ID820
ChildrenWilliam , 1116 (>1524->1548)
 John , 1117 (>1524->1548)
 Henry , 1118 (>1524->1548)
 Anthony , 1119 (>1524->1548)
 Mary , 1120
Notes for William NORWICH
His will was dated 16 Mar 1548 and proven on 28 Apr 1548 113
William Norwich of Westley Waterless, 1548
In the name of god Amen The xvi daye of Marche in the second yere of the Reigne of our Soveraigne lord Edward the vi [1547/8] by the grace of god king of England ffraunce and Ireland etc I Willm Norwiche of Westle Waterlesse in the Counto of Cambridge husbondmon unto Isabel Norwyche my wyeff all my ffree londes and Tenementes in Westleyaforesaid for the terme of xii yers after the date hereof after that terme endyd unto Willm Norwyche my eldest Sonne upon suche condicon that the said Willm Norwiche do paye unto John Norwyche fyve poundes to Henry Norwyche fyve poundes and to Anthonye Norwiche fyve poundes as every of them shall come to their age of xxiiii yers And if any of them shall chaunce to dye before the said age or ages Then I will that he or they so overlyving to have the portion or parte of his broother deceassyd unto Isabellmy wyeef xii acres of Copye lond that I have in Westley untyl my sonne Wilm shalbe of the age of xxiiii yers and then I will the saide xii Acres to Remaigne to the said Willm unto Isabell my wyef my Ten[emen]t and vii Acres of lond belongyng unto yt that I holde of the lord of Westley called Wynters Except a lytill parcell of ground inclosed unto my ffree howsse in Westley for terme of her lyeff And
after her deceasse to Willm my sonne And as to that parcel of lond I do bequeath yt unto Isabell my wyef for the terme of xii yers nex ensweyng the date hereof And after that terme I will yt unto Willm my sonne unto Willm my sonne fyve poundes to be paide by Isabell my wyef and her assignes at the daye of his mariage or at thend and terme of xii yers next ensweyng the date hereof whiche of them shall first com to passe Provyded that if the said Willm do wyllyngly Interupte Isabell my Wyef his moother of the said premisses unto Mary my dowghter iii l vi s viii d at her maryage to the said Marye ii payer of Sheetys of husewyves Clothe twoo disshes and too platters of pewter A Kettyll and ii Condylstyckes to be Delyvered at her maryage to Willm I Ewe and I lambe to John oon Ewe oon lambe to Henrye oon Ewe oon lambe and to Anthonye I Ewe & I lambe The Resydwe of all my goodes unto Isabell my wyeff upon such condicon that shee doo honestly and vertuously bring up all my Childern accordyng unto my valewe for the term of xii yers for the better erformaunce
of the better bringyng up of my said Childern I dyd will the said landes and en[emen]tes or terme of xii yers unto her I doo ordeyn the said Isabell my wyef to be my sole Executrix Stephyn Norwich my brother to be the Supervisor of the same for whose payne to be taken I doo will and bequeath unto hym vi s viii d
Witnesses: Sylvester Cumpyon, John Hasselwood, Willm Jeffrey
Proved: 28 April 1548 113

Last Modified Oct 10, 2006Created Feb 24, 2025 by John D Moody
Created February 23, 2025

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