DeathNov 24, 1857151,158 Age: 42
Burial1857, Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, USA158
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
BaptismApr 2, 1815, Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, USA266 Age: <1
DeathMar 1, 1849158 Age: 28
Burial1849, Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia, USA158
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
MarriageAugusta, Richmond County, Georgia, USA151
Family ID1533
Notes for Robert Dunlap CARMICHAEL
He was the third son. On 28 November 1840 he became a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Augusta, Georgia
158. In 1850 his real estate was valued at $18,000.
278 In the Census of Augusta, Georgia of 1852 he is the head of household of himself and 1 adult white male, 1 adult white female, four male slaves, and six female slaves living in the Third Ward.
Notes for Louisa (Spouse 1)
She died young, leaving two sons.