Notes for Louis S. MACKAY
His godfather was his uncle, François Martel, and his godmother was Elizabeth Symard.
549 He was born in Baie-St-Paul in 1825. His mother died in 1830, two years before his father who died in 1832 leaving him a 7 year old orphan. He was 18 years old and “domicilie a l’Anse aux Foins” at the time of his marriage in 1850. On the 4 January 1861 Census of Township Harvey, Chicoutimi, Canada East Louis McKee , 34, lived with Delle Bergeron, Clementine McKee, Marie McKee, Caelina McKee, John McKee and Victorine McKee.
2537He was one of the first settlers of St. Fulgence. On the 1881 census of St. Fulgence the farms of Élizée LaPointe, Élizée’s son Philippe La Pointe, and Philippe’s father-in-law, Louis McKay were adjacent to one another. Louis was age 57 and Delphine 48 and their children living with them were Dina , Johnne, and Amilia .
234 On the 13 April 1891 census of St. Fulgence Louis Mackay was 59 years old and lived in St. Fulgence with his wife, Delphine, 58, and daughter Emelia, 27. Louis’ father had been born in Scotland and his mother in Quebec. He no longer owned his own farm, but still worked as an agricultural laborer. Jean had left home, although he did not marry until 1899.
577On the 1901 census he is a 75 year old widower living in St. Fulgence with his daughter and son-in-law, François Simard and Emelia Maky and their three children. He could speak only French and could not read or write.
438 On the 1911 Canadian census he is 85 and lives with the family of his daughter and son-in-law, François Simard, in St. Fulgence.
553 Louis McKay was 87 years old when he died on 1 April 1913 in St. Fulgence. He was age 88 when died and was of Scots ancestry.
256 “On three April, nineteen hundred and thirteen, I, undersigned priest has buried in the cemetery of this parish, the body of Louis McKay, who died on the first of April being eighty seven years. Husband of Adele Bergeron. Were present at the burial plot, Leon Letourneau, Camille Jean, Francois Simard.” Signed: Leon Letourneau, Francois Simard, Camille Jean, George Gagnon, priest.
549Here is a brief biography of Louis: “Louis Mackay et son épouse Adèle Bergeron, tous deux oroginaires de Baie-Saint-Paul, se marièrent dans la paroisse de Saint-Alexis-de-Grande-Baie le 21 janvier 1850. Aussitôt après leur mariage, le couple vint s'établir à Saint-Fulgence sur une terre, située en bas du Remous, qui occupait une superficie de cent cinquante acres en 1861. Bien qu'il ait été cultivateur la majeure partie de sa vie, Louis Mackay déclara être journalier au moulin à scie au village en 1891. En 1879, le pionnier fit don de sa terre à son fils Jean, né en 1857 à Saint-Fulgence et seul garçon d'une famille de six enfants. Louis Mackay et sont épouse sont décédés à Saint-Fulgence, lui en 1913 à l'âge de 87 ans et elle, âgée de 63 ans, en 1896.”
Translated “ "Louis MacKay and his wife Adele Bergeron, both from Baie-Saint-Paul, were married in the Parish of Saint-Alexis-de-Grande Baie on 21 January 1850. After their marriage, the couple settled in Saint-Fulgence on a property, situated below the Remous, which occupied an area of one hundred and fifty acres in 1861. Although he was a farmer most of his life, Louis MacKay declared being a journeyman/day laborer for the town saw mill in 1891. In 1879, the pioneer gave his land to his son Jean, born in 1857 in Saint-Fulgence being the only boy in a family of six children. Louis MacKay and his wife died in Saint-Fulgence, him in 1913 at 87 years of age and her, being 63 years of age, in 1896".
Research notes for Louis S. MACKAY
She had five daughters and one son, with Louise Victoria the only one still alive in 1946. She was of French ancestry.
256 She was age 63 when she died in 1896.
256 She lived in Baie St. Paul at the time of her marriage in 1850. Jean Bo____, Etienne Bergeron , Thomas Bouliane , and Constance Bouchard were witnesses at her wedding.
549 At the baptism of their oldest child, Clementine, she was “de la pointe au pin”.
549 At the baptism of their fourth child, Jean, she was “de l’anse au fouie?”
549 At the baptism of their fifth child, Louise” they were “de l’Anse au-fouine?”.
549 On the 1861 Census of Chicoutimi Louis McKee lived with Delle Bergeron, Clementine McKee, Marie McKee, Caelina McKee, John McKee and Victorine McKee.
2537Here is a brief biography of Adèle: “Louis Mackay et son épouse Adèle Bergeron, tous deux oroginaires de Baie-Saint-Paul, se marièrent dans la paroisse de Saint-Alexis-de-Grande-Baie le 21 janvier 1850. Aussitôt après leur mariage, le couple vint s'établir à Saint-Fulgence sur une terre, située en bas du Remous, qui occupait une superficie de cent cinquante acres en 1861. Bien qu'il ait été cultivateur la majeure partie de sa vie, Louis Mackay déclara être journalier au moulin à scie au village en 1891. En 1879, le pionnier fit don de sa terre à son fils Jean, né en 1857 à Saint-Fulgence et seul garçon d'une famille de six enfants. Louis Mackay et sont épouse sont décédés à Saint-Fulgence, lui en 1913 à l'âge de 87 ans et elle, âgée de 63 ans, en 1896.”