NameLloyd Lewis PAULSON
244,249, 3152
BirthSep 6, 1923, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA243,249
DeathOct 8, 2002, Rockford, Kent, Michigan, USA Age: 79
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative, Sources in Family Search
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Private, Relative
Marriage1951, Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA249
Family ID2177
Notes for Lloyd Lewis PAULSON
His first marriage was to Edith Hagstrom.
289 His second marriage was to Marilyn Mjolsnes.
Notes for Edith Juanita (Spouse 1)
She was adopted in September 1928 when she was 3 ½ years old in Spooner, Washburn County,
289 She first married Lloyd Paulson, then had a second marriage and finally married Raymond Kelly Winsett, Sr.
289She was living in Cumberland, Wisconsin in 1977.
Notes for Marilyn Ellen (Spouse 2)
She was Lloyd’s second wife. Lloyd and Marilyn lived at 236 South Main Street, Rockford, Michigan 49341 in 1961.