The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameWinnifred "Winnie” ANDERSON
289,761,2468, 3167
BirthDec 20, 1906, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA289,761
DeathApr 27, 1999, Robbinsdale, Hennepin County, Minnesota, USA289,761 Age: 92
Burialaft Apr 27, 1999, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA761
BirthMay 29, 1903, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA289,911,761,1388
DeathAug 29, 1973, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA289,761,1388 Age: 70
Burialaft Aug 29, 1973, Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USA761
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
Notes for Clarence Henry (Spouse 1)
On 1 January 1920 he was 16 and helped on his parents farm in Sanborn.
911He graduated from Bethel Academy.
289 He died at age 70.