Notes for Edwin C. MOODY SR.
On the 1 June 1900 census of Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, Almon S. Moody is 72, born January 1828 in Vermont, a carpenter; his wife Hannah M. is 68, born in October 1831 in Massachusetts; Sarah M. is 46 and born in June 1863, Edwin C. is 31 and born in April 1869, Almon S., Jr. is 26, born in April 1874, Mary, a daughter in law is 22 and born in October 1877 in Maine, , Sarah M., granddaughter is 1 and born in April 1899 in Massachusetts.
On the 1 January 1910 census of Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, Edwin C. Moody is 41, has been married for 12 years and is a carpenter; Mary F. Moody is 32 with 7 children born and 7 alive, Sarah M. Moody is 11, Edwin C. Moody Jr. is 9, Mary F. Moody is 7, Augustus R. Moody is 5, Alice R. Moody is 4, James H. Moody is 2, and Esther V. Moody is 1.
On the 1 January 1920 census of Oak Street, Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, Edwin C. Moody 50 is a widower, Edwin C. Moody. Jr. is 19, Mary F. Moody is 17, Augustus R. Moody is 16, Alice R. Moody is 14, James H. Moody is 12, Esther A. Moody is 10, Hannah M. Moody is 8, Laura A. Moody is 7, Charlie H. Moody is 4 2/12.