Notes for Herbert A. (Spouse 1)
In 1880 he was 23 years old, and lived with his parents.
335In 1900 living in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, are Herbert A. Moody, 43, married for 15 years, born in Massachusetts, a farmer with his wife Emma F. 38, who was born in England. There were 8 children/4 living; Clara P. 12, Emily M. 9, Wilfred E. 7, Samuel B. 5, all born in Massachusetts.
In the 1910 census, Herbert A., his wife Emma and their children live a few doors away from his father, Almon. He is a wheel? maker.
In 1920 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, lives Emma Moody, a widow, 58,
Emily M., 28, bookkeeper, and Samuel B., 24, who works for a contractor