In 1880 she is 39, keeping house for Lowell and her parents were both born in Massachusetts.
834 On 1 June 1900 she is 51 years old and has had 3 children of whom 2 are alive.
837On 15 April 1910 she is age 61 and has had 4 children of whom 2 are still living.
835On 1 January 1920 she is a 71 year old widow rooming at 913 Michigan Avenue, Evanston, Illinois.
Notes for Lowell L. (Spouse 1)
On 1 June 1850 Lucius L. Moody is five months old and lives with his parents and siblings in Northfield, Massachusetts.
343 On 1 June 1860 he is "Lowell" L., age 10 and the only child living with his parents Lucius and Sarah in Northfield.
323 By the time of his marriage on 22 December 1873 he had moved to Chicago, Illinois.
943On 1 June 1880 Lowell L. Moody, a 29 year old coal and wood dealer lived at 386 Mohawk Street, Chicago, Illinois. He and his parents had been born in Massachusetts, and he lived with his wife Nettie P., 31, who had been born in Massachusetts, and their 8 month old daughter Lillian M., who had been born in Illinois. A servant and a boarder lived with them.
834 On 9 October 1888 when he registered to vote in Chicago’s 4th Congressional District, 21st Ward, 4th Precinct he lived at 400 Garfield Avenue, had been in that Precinct for 4 years and in Chicago for 14 years. On 1 June 1900 Lowell is living at 1738 York Place in Chicago. He is 50 years old, has been married 26 Years and manages a livery stable. Living with him are his wife, age 51, their son Harry L., 15, and Lowell’s mother Sarah, age 85.
837On 15 April 1910 Lowell L. Moody, age 60, lives in the 900 block of Webster Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. He is the proprietor of a livery stable and has been married for 36 years to Annette F., 36. Living with them are Harry L. Moody, their 25 year old son, his wife of 4 years Bessie H., 26 and grandson Irvin, 2.
835 He died before 1 January 1920.