Misc. Notes
On 1 June 1880 Theressa was 5 years old and lived with her parents in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
®12032 On 1 June 1900 Theresa, 25, was married and did not live with her parents and siblings in Philadelphia.
®4000On 15 April 1910 Theresa C. Hahn was a 35 year old widow who had borne one child, Marion W., 12, and both lived at her mother’s house at 644 Conestoga Street, Philadelphia with three of Theresa’s siblings. Theresa and her sister Blanche were milliners in a millinery house.
®4001 On 1 January 1920 Threse W., age 45, had remarried Mr. Jenks? B. Robinson and they lived at 236 Mather Avenue in Jenkintown, Pensylvania.